Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/363

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RBS. I6, 17, 18, 19. 1848. 337 [N0, 16.] -— Joint Resolution to {hangs the Location of a Lighthouse on Lake Supe- July mr I34g_ riar, m the State of Michigan. ———;-— Resolved by the Senate and House ¢y‘ Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Siteof thelight- Treasury be, and hereby is, authorized (if he deem it expedient) to ll;°¤;l¢ ¤¤l-b¤¤';_¤¤d change the site of the lighthouse authorized by the act of March third, L{m§_°T§4Y,' 3; eighteen hundred and forty-seven, to be constructed at Copper Harbor, Copper Hprbor. Fort Wilkins, Lake Superior, in the State of Michigan, to a more {;;‘k°C§’]‘;£°’;é"· suitable place on said lake: Provided, Such change shall not increase a more grumble the cost of construction so as to exceed the appropriation made for such fl;¤¤ °¤ md purpose by said act. ;;O,iS0_ Ari-novzn, July 10, 18-18. [No. 17.]-A Joint Resolution attending the Hans for the Erection of certain July 25, 1843. Light/tmeses. —-—·—· Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the six- §»¤m¤ apprvteenth section of the act approved March third, seventeen hundred and fl:; ninety-five, entitled "An Act making further provision for the support carriedto mesurof public credit and for the redemption of the public debt," as requires {1*** f“¤d ml that sums remaining unexpended for two years after the year of appro- tx'; Glstazemug priation shall be carried to the account of the surplus fund, shall not of thelegislawgv apply to the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and forty- $vf;};;S;a?§°§f;hQ$ seven, entitled "An Act authorizing the erection of certain light- houses are to be houses, and for other purposm," until two years after the First meeting l°‘i§]§;l·ch 45 pf thedlegislature of those States in which said lighthouses are to be 184-;;,,;,:52; ocate . Aprnovnn, July 25, 1848. [N0. 18.] - Joint Resolution relinquishing to the State of Missouri certain Tru- July 25, 1848. phies of D0nip}mn’s victorious Expedition. ————-— Resalvcd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the ten pieces of ord- The ordnance nance captured by the Missouri volunteers under Colonel Doniphan, ¢¤p¤¤r¢<$ by tlw in their brilliant expedition through the Northern States of Mexico, x:.;°:2d€;°é“OT now deposited at the capital of the State, by permission of the com- onell prmiphan, manding general, as trophies of their heroic achievements, be, and the {EQ29g22h5f},;? same are hereby, forever relinquished to the State of Missouri. s,,u,i_ Approved, July 25, 1848. [N0. 19.] —-A Resolution to sanction an Agreement made between the Wyandotts July 25, 1848. and Delaware.; for the Purchase of certain Lands by the former, of the latter ""_‘*"· Tribe of Indian:. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the agreement, in Agccment in writing, between the Delaware nation of Indians and the Wyandctt Wfivnz between nation of Indians, made and entered into on the fourteenth day of 22-°;,£,°g;;¥are December, eighteen hundred and forty-three, for the purchase of cer- tions of Indians, tain lands by the latter, of the former tribe of Indians, and which said ggngsr Egg agreement, in writing, is as follows: the Purghngé of "WHEREAS, from a. long and intimate acquaintance, and the ardent [gs (E; friendship which has for a great many years existed between the former, confirm- Delawares and Wyandotts, and from a mutual desire that the same °d‘ feeling shall continue and be more strengthened by becoming near réeighlipgs to each other; therefore the said parties, the Delawares or,. . Pm:. -43