Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/390

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364 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch.` 100. 1849i Booksfm-Pac For the purchase of such scientific works as are necessary for the °“* °*H°°·$15°°· use of the Patent Olhce, fifteen hundred dollars. Librarian, $500. For compensation of librarian, five hundred dollars. Agricultpgglx) For the collection of agriculture:] statistics and other purposes, ““l‘*i°‘· · thirt -five hundred dollars. 1 g;°’;’}°_‘:f;g*;’;:; Fciir defraying the expenses of the chemical analyses of vegetable big Substances, substances produced and used for the food of rnan and animals in the 86500- United States, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioner of Patents, one thousand dollars; which several sums, amounting in the whole to six thousand five hundred dollars, shall be paid out of the patent fund. _ _Erccti<m vf Towards the erection of the wings of the Patent Office building,

  • 5;;,%; §g0P(%§“t according to the original plan, under the direction of the Secretary

’ ’ i of State, fifty thousand dollars, to be paid out of the patent fund: Provided, That the said Secretary is herebyhauthorized to cause the said extension to be done by contract, in the same manner as was ursued in executin the work of the General Post·Of}ice building. Custom-house P For the purchasegof a building for a custom-house at Portland, in g·,’;§‘§gg“d·M°·· the State of Maine, a sum not exceeding one hundred and forty-nine 'thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall, after fullfepamginatioiné deem such purchase expedient, and for the interest o t ie nite tutes. Custom-house FSr the purchase of a building erected by the President and Direc- ?2§Qi§6P“·· tors of the Bank of the United States for a banking—house in the town ’of Erie, Pennsylvania, to be used as a custom-house, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to make said purchase: Provided, That the cost of the buildincr and the ground necessary to its com venient use can be made for aasum not exceeding twenty-nine thousand dollars. Sa$:;;;‘,';"l§’:“° Foncontinuing the construction of the custom-house at Savannah, in 83g,000_ ’ b “Geprgiailthrrty-tive thousapd dollars. h Ch 1 S th C ustom- ous; or the constructmn o a custom- ouse at ar eston, ou aro- §g3’éf,f,f°“· lina, fifty thousand dollars. Boi>kst‘¤rmem· To enable the Clerk of the House of Representatives to pay for

"g;8‘5fC°“S‘°” twelve copies of the Congressional Globe, and twelve copies of the Ap-

` pendix, for each member of the House of Representatives under the resolution of the first of March, eighteen hundred and l`orty-seven, night thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. 38747 52. To enable the Clerk of the House of Representatives to pay for live hundred and thirty-six copies of the seventh volume of the1Docun;‘ei}t- ary Histor of the American revolution, bein the lirst vo ume o tie Fifth seriesyof that work, eight thousand seveniundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty-two cents. 'mdow oflas For the re-appropriation of this sum, (carried to the surplus fund,) gg-P§i)°°u’ Fo? payment to the widow of James McDonald, deceased, said McDon- ` ald’s share of the um granted by Cplngresi) for disgributiopl aps prize money among the captors of the Britis brig etroit, uringt e ast war _ with Great Britain, thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents. _ m%f,fou*;’; tm; _Pl0r the purchase of a site for a new custom-house at Norfolk, Yu'- 1;,,,;,,1;, éoxkgin. gxnla, twlilyei thousand dollars: Iiravyded, Tlge President of the United hr K12. · tates s eem it ro er to ma et e urc asc. Eag$:::¤·h°“S¤ Flor the erection Pofpa custom-housepat Eastport, in the State of $;_3,000_’ Maine, ID addition to the amount heretofore appropriated for that Ol)- ]ec;, thirteen thousand dollars. f h h h hy f Customdiouse or continuin the construction o the custom- ouse int 8 G 0

  • 56 %°¤¤S» New Orleans, oni hundred and fifty thousand dollars. _ ‘

D’6 _' _ T0 supply a deficiency in the appropriation in the act entitled ‘ An apprgpggg fg; {K6! to Supply deficiencies rn the appropriations for the fiscal year 01'1d· books for mem- mg the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty·mne, under 3