Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/398

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372 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Szss. II. Ch. 101. 1849. Mi1e¤gc<>f<>¤r of themselves and baggage, when travelling on duty wizheuz gi-oops, °°"’ 87°’000' scvemy-five thousand dollars. t_Tra;:;(p83)a· For the transportation of the army, irrttllldlng the lraggage of the mn' ’ ’ troops when IIIOV1I1g €\f.l1€l’ by land 0I' WMC!'] of Cl0Il1lDg, camp and gziyisdndelzuipape, and hdlrsc equipment; frog: the déepots at I;hiladcl. p na an ew or to t c several pos an army ep0!s· 0 subsistence, from the places of purchase aud from the places Br delivery, under contract, to such places as the cnrcumstances of the service may require it to be sent; of ordpancc, ordnance stores, and small arms from the foundries and armones to the arsenals, fortifications, fmntie; posts, and army depots; freights, tolls, and ferriages; the purchase and hire of horses, wagons, mules, oxen, carts, drays, ships, and other seagoing vessels and boats, for the transportation of supplies and for garrison purposes; drayagc and cartagc at the several posts! hirepf teamstcrs; transportation of funds for the pay and other dnsbursmg departments; the expense of sailing public transports on the various rivers, the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Atlantic and Pacific; and of procuring water at such posts as, from their situation, require it, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Medica.! and For medical and hospital departments, 5F1y-two thousand dollars. h°‘P"‘“l d°P‘“*‘ For armament of fortifications, one hundred thousand dollars. ments, 852,000. . A,»m,mei,; of For purchase of ordnance, ordnance stores, and supplxes, one hundred f°{&?&=;;i°¤$» thousand dollars. 3 0,gm{m and For current expenses of the ordnance service, one hundred thousand ordnance stores, dollars. $1g;°£g;m of For manufacture of arms at the national armories, three hundred ordnance depart- and sixty thousand dollars. I · I ¤*¤¤*» 8100900- For the purchase of Colds revolving pistols, nf the Secretary ofWa1

 should deem it advisable and proper, fifty thousand dollars. H

Purshase o£ For repairs and improvements, and new machinery at the arpcr’s CYWS “?Y°l““'<? Ferry armory sixty-two thousand six hundred and twenty dollars. pistols, ,300,000. . ’ . . - Repairs, 8:4:., For repairs and 1mprovements, and new machmery at the Spnnglleld ffl H¤*P€f’S FGF armory, eighty-two thousand five hundred dollars. ' gQda§;e,§;H;:°g` For arsenals, seventy-four thousand two hundred and sixty-one 8155,120. dollars. M426L Fo!' purchase of a lot of ground at Harpefs Ferry Virginia, ctmtlggi¤5d1dc};is€H:;€ UOUS to the public buildings, two brmdred dollars. , _ _ P18 P`€'€Ym°¤d For purchase of land at Springiield armory, m be flowed by uusmg Qgzgjnghc ’ the dam at the upper shop, and of a lot on the ¤or1h—wcst corner of G10 armory grounds nine thousand dollars. _ site rar maga· For purcbase,0f a site for magazine at St. Louis arsenal, at a suitable

 St- L¤¤i¤» point without the city, Eve thousand dollars. [ _

“ 1 For survc s in reference to the milita: defences of the routrer, s Y Y $10?(§(`)8YS’ inland and Atlantic, ten thousand dollars. _ hng“;';h°°F,°,m°k€ Fo! ll? purchase of land adjoining F rzmkibrd arsenal, Pexmsylvamu, ford, pl, twenty thousand dollars. $22§°°°·. f For Bf60th1g suitable buildings and machinery for the maIll1l`B¤\Ul’€ bui;(fim°!:t ° of percussion caps at the same place, fifteen thousand dollars. _ same place, T0 defray the expense of compiling, arranging, publishurg, Wd ·$1g;)°£(;;mu8 md Sgpgmsing the publication of s new sdizimi of me Ordnance M¤¤¤¤l, publishing 0,4. 0 en hundred copies, six thousand dollars. ¤¤¤¤¤ M¤¤¤¤l. T0 defray the expenses of Topograplucal of S¤l'V€Y’ °f X6?-Tgugmpmcd 1'0\1t6S from the valley of the Mississippi m the Pacific Ocean, MY Map of surveys tk0H8B0d d0"81‘S. _ $_§u;°“t?f fra: To Pl'0Vld¤ for the payment for secret services rendered to t‘l1€'U¤ll€d Mi5s£siPpi to States in the war with Maxim, and m be sxpsiided under nhc d1r€Gt10¤ P?iii¤, $504200. of the President of the United States, fifty rhouszmd dollars. _ m,§;’fQ:"“°°“ For earrying into effect the ussay of me U¤ized`St:mes \V_lll;tth: $50,000. $t0¤kbr1dg6 trxbe of Indmns of the twentyfourlh November, BIB ee