414 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 127, l29. 1849 fm_Efl;:;’§**;;:$ Sec. 5. And be it further enacted,.That urhere expenditures hem vices_'been made, in the course of the war with Mexico, by the commanding generals, or under their directions, for secret services, the accounts therefor shall be adjusted and settled in the same manner as is provided for the settlement of accounts for expenses of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations, under the act entitled "An Act providing the means of intercourse between the United States and i79$» ¤h· 17- foreign nations," passed March nineteenth, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight. Di¤b\¤‘S¢1¤¤¤*·¤ Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That where pursers of the navy, gQ`l’;"°’S °Hh° acting under the instructions of their commanding naval officers, have Post 419 made disbursements for hostile operations against the enemy on land, ’ P'and which operations have been approved by the government, such pursers shall, under the direction of the President of the United States, be credited for the amounts thus necessarily disbursed; and such parts thereof as shall have been received by officers of the army shall be charged to and accounted for by them respectively. Approved, March 3, 1849. March 3, 1849- Crnr. CXXVH.—.8n. Act declaring Fort Cnningtem, in the State of New Ym-k, ji; to be a. Port of Delivery, and fur other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rguresmtatives of the Fort Covin§— United States of America in Congress assemble , That the town of $:51 EN:" Y°' · Fort Covington, in the State of New York, shall be a port of delivery, port of . . . d€;m,y_ and shall be subject to the same regulations as other ports of delivery in the United States. Deputy euIlec— Sec. 2, And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treas-
- ‘;kef°;it;hL‘if;" ury be authorized to appoint a deputy collector to reside at Chesapeake
to bg gppgfntgdi, city, in the State of Maryland, to grant enrolments und licenses to Ame, P_ 410_ vessels: Provided, That the compensation of the said deputy collector shall be the usual fees of office, and nothing more. Arvnovnn, March 3, 1849. Mami; 3, 1849, Cru?. CXXIX. -- An Act to providefar the Payment of Horses and other Prop- ·—·t··;··· crty lost or destroyed in the Military Service of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the hogizfwotgg: United States of America in Qmgress assembled, That any field, or gyoperay 105; or staff, OI 0i.l'l€l' OEOCT, IDOUlli.€d militia-mam, V0ll1flt€€l`, 1’8Dg€1', Ol.' C3V3ll'y, •iSF*°>'<>d in QM engaged in the military service of the United States since the eighteenth
- 111%;,; {fgésé of June, eighteen hundred and twelve, or who shall hereafter be in said
States provided ervice, and has sustained, or shall sustain, damage without any fault or ‘°"· neglivence on his part while in said service by the loss of a horse in 13 D I battle, or by the loss of a horse wounded in battle, and which has died or shall die of said wound, or, being so wounded, shall be abandoned by order of his officer and lost, or shall sustain damage by the loss of any horse by death or abandonment because of the unavoidable dangers of the sea when on board an United States transport vessel, or because the United States failed to supply transportation for the horse, and the owner was compelled by the order of his commanding officer to embark and leave him, or in consequence of the United States failing to supply sufficient forage, or because the rider was dismounted and separated from his horse and ordered to do duty on foot at a station detached from his horse, or when the omcer in the immediate command ordered, or shall order, the hor e turned out to graze in the woods, prairies, or commons, because the United States failed, or shall fail, to supply