Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/458

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432 THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. ll. 1850. To be laid be- the same before Congress at the next session thereof And to enable fm C°¤B*¤S¤· him the better to discharge these duties,‘he is hereby authorized and _ required to appoint a suitable and competent person as superintending ,,1 Stfgtutefsj clerk, who shall, under his direction, have the general management of other nmcsrsau- matters appertaining thereto, with the privilege of franking and ret};,':;;;?- , . ceiving, free of charge, all official documents and letters connected r38e_ mg PMP therewith; and the said Secretary shall also appoint such clerks and other officers as may be necessary, from time to time, for the edicient management of said. service. And the compensation to be allowed ‘ and paid to the officers connected with the census office, shall be as Salaries_ follows z For the superintending clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars per annum in full for his services; and for other assistants and clerks, the compensation usually paid for similar services, to be fixed

>,,,,,;,,,_ and allowed by the Secretary of the Interior. Provided, That no salary to a subordinate clerk under this section shall exceed the sum of

Blanks and one thousand dollars per annum. The blanks and preparatory printing P'l“““8· for taking the census shall be prepared and executed under the direction of the Census Board; the other printing hereafter to be executed as Congress shall direct. Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of carry- Apprvpriation. ing into effect this act, and defraying the preliminary expenses, there Salary of the - · · · swam of the is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise Census Scam. appropriated, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; out of which the said Secretary of the Interior may allow, to the person employed as secretary of the Census Board, a compensation after the rate of three thousand dollars per annum during the period he has been in their employ. The marsna1 Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That whenever- a marshal shall Ego certify that an assistant has completed to his satisfaction, and made pgrfgymgd his return of the subdivision confided to him, and shall also certify the duty- amount of compensation to which, under the provisions of this act, such assistant is entitled, designating how much for each kind of service, the Secretary of the Interior shall thereupon cause one half of the sum so due to be paid to such assistant, and when the returns have been carefully examined for classification, if found executed in a manner satisfactory, then he shall also cause the other half to be paid. And he shall make payments in the manner and upon like conditions to the several marshals for their services. Tables MMX_ Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That the tables hereto annexed, cd pun or the and made part of this act, are numbered from one to six, inclusive. Mi; no other hw Sec.` 23. And be it further enacted, That if no other law be passed be ,,,,,,,,,1 ,-0,. the providing for the taking of the eighth, or any subsequent census of the taking of the United States, on or before the first day of January of any year, when, iffstibgfziigég by the Constitution of the United States, any future enumeration of ofany year, re- the inhabitants thereof is required to be taken, such census shall, in ggzsgtuggl; tg? all things, be taken and completed according to the provisions of this act- ,;,6 U_ Sq th,,,,,‘ Sec. 24. And be it further enacted, That from and after the third the census tc_be day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, the HGHSG t:];?;,}! :_;:f"°d‘“g of Representatives shall be composed of two hundred and thirty-three House or mp- members, to be apportioned among the several States in the manner 2;;;*;;:**;%* t *2 directed in the next section of this zu. hundred Jd Sec. 25. And be it further enac d, That so soon as the next and thing-three each subsequent enumeration of the inhabitants of the several States, m°”§:;$mu0u directed by the Constitution of the United States to be taken, shall to 1,., made, md be completed and returned to the office of the Department of tho 3l;1g£;Eg¤¤¤::;cr Interior, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to ascer- ,],,,,1,,,,,;,,,,,, 0,- tam the aggregate representative population of the United States, by the Secretary of adding to the whole number of free persons in all the States, including

  • 1*** I“*°“°"· those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not

. taxed, three fifths of all other persons; which aggregate population he shall divide by the number two hundred and thirty-three, and the prod-