Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/528

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502 THIRTY—FlRS'1" CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 77. 1850. IjTewJer¤e§ Lt New .Iersey.—For an iron can buoy between the new and old b§';“l°E€g "“" Inlet Shoal, at Little Egg Harbor, two hundred dollars. 19,,,,;,, River. For a beacon at the “Elbow " in Passaic River, and for four gpm buoys in said river four hundred dollars. Mill Reef and For aspar buoy lon Mill Reef, at the entrance of the Kills, and a C°“‘°" S*“k°· beacon at the Corner Stake near Elizabethtown Point, four hundred dollars. POm€‘¤¤¤Sk¤¤k For a lighthouse on Conaskonk Point, four thousand five hundred ’ dollars. Delaware, In Delmvare.—For a lighthouse at the entrance of Indian River, I¤<m¤ R¤V¢1’· five thousand dollars. Mgggxdbout d {wz Maryland. —— For a lighthouse at Seven Foot Knoll, ten thousand o ars. Xml; For a light-boat to be stationed oil` James Island, Tan ier Souhd Ja es Island. _ g g i eight thousand dollars; or for a lighthouse on the south—west point of James Island, if the Secretary of the Treasury shall decide that it will answer thepurposes of commerce. Virginia. In Vzrgmza. —For two lights on the south end of Hog Island, as a H°8 ISl·°¤<l· ran e for the channel of Great Mutchi unvo, or on Sand Shoal as the g P e , one or the other, upon actual survey, may be found to be best, ten thou- Repeal of ap- sand dollars; and the appropriation of ten thousand dollars, made by §;(;,lQf§'§;°;1‘In,t;f the act of the fourteenth August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, for 1848, ch. l76. two lights on Sand Shoal Inlet, be, and is hereb , re ealed. S Y P James River. For four beacons in James River, viz.: one on White Shoal, one on Bluvess Bluff Shoal, one on Point Shoal, and one on Deep Water , Shoal, three thousand five hundred dollars. 1g3g;;;?;,;? In Nortli Carolina. —For buoys in Hatteras Inlet, near the soutl: breakers, at the entrance from the ocean, five hundred dollars. Cape Channel. For buoys at the Cape Channel, opposite the Hatteras lighthouse, Bog Channel. one at Cates Slew, and one at the Bog Channel, opposite Krnnikect, two _ hundred and lift dollars. S th C lm y {a10mg In South Carolina. —-— For a small beacon light on Morris Island, two _ _ _ M thousand five hundred dollars. M*S;f;PPi; _ In Mississippi.-For a beacon lighthouse on the pier at Missismy_ mlppl sippi city, three thousand dollars. Ship Island. For a lighthouse on the west end of Ship Island, twelve thousand 1848, ch. 176. dollars, being a renewal of an appropriation for this purpose made Au- P I gust fourteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-eight. BML ”°‘*€°““1 For a lighthouse at or near Pascagoula River, three thousand dol- _ _ ars. glglzgaggvers In Michigan. ·—-— For a lighthouse on north-west point of Grand Bay. Travers Bay, four thousand dollars. M‘=*¤1“¤“°P°1'*· For a lighthouse at the port of Marquette, Lake Superior, five thousand dollars. _Straits cruack- For a lighthouse on the point of land about three miles east of Che- “”"“'· boygan River, in the Straits of Mackinaw, four thousand dollars. E“Sl° RlV<>¥· For a lighthouse at or near the mouth of Ea le River four thousand .1 ll r g g ’ o a s. O¤*¤·¤¤s<>¤· For a lighthouse on the south shore of Lake Su rior at Ontana on, P8 ) g five thousand dollars. Ottawa Point. For a lighthouse at Ottawa Point, in Saginaw Bay, five thousand dollars. Beaver Island. d For a lighthouse on Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, five thousand ollars. Wisconsin; In Wisc0nsin.—For a lighthouse at the mouth of Twin Rivers, Tm R*'°¤· three thousand five hundred dollars. Eort Ulao. For a lighthouse at Port Ulao, three thousand five hundred dollars. Biggsé Su,} In Texas.-For a lighthouse and beacon light at Brasos Satiagm 1 [Santiago] fifteen th u and d ll g gc. , o s dollars.