Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/590

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564 THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 17, 19, 20. 1850 §gP|;,26, 1g5e_ [No. 17.] -.d Resolution relating tosthe Publication of the Laws of the United -————~— tates. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sammy _ of States of Ameriea in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State 2:**:: be authorized and directed to contract with Little &. Brown to furnish Little & Bmw, their annual Statutes at Large, printed in conformity with the plan for their annual adopted by Congress in eighteen hundred and forty-Eve, instead of the ?f;g:°S at edition usually issued by his order, under the act of Congress of April twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, and which conforms to an edition of the layvs now out of use. Approved, September 26, 1850. $¤pt- 28, 1850- [No. 19.] -.0 Resolution relative to the Public Printing. Resolved by the Senate and ,Ho1tse of Representatives of the United For auditing States of America in Congress assembled, That the secretary of the

;°;;\‘;‘°,§‘;f Senate, andthe clerk of the House, and the clerk of thejoint commitim-y notices on tee on printing, jointly be,·and they hereby are, authorized and em-
  • l¤¢ _ death of owered to examine, audit and ass u on all accounts for rintin

President Tay- P . · ’ P P . . P . g' M_ except they shall not audit or allow the account for printing the obituary notices on the death of President Taylor, to make a pro rata reduction in the compensation allowed, or to refuse the work altogether, should it be inferior to the standard, and in all things to possess the same power over the public printing as is conferred upon the joint committee on printing by the joint resolution approved August third, proviso, eighteen hundred and forty-six: Provided, That the authority hereby conferred shall only be exercised during the next recess of Congress, and shall cease at the commencement of the next session of Congress. Approved, September 28, 1850. Sept 28, 1g5g_ [No. 20.] -·Joint Resolution explanatory of certain .6ets therein mentioned. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Provisions of States of America in Congress assembled, That the provision of the

?°°¤ghe si'}?;: second section of the act entitled "An Act amending the act entitled

granting. hm- ‘ An Act granting haliipay to widows .or orphans where their husbands ggyhzgvgdgzzsgg and fathers have died of wounds received in the lmnhtary service of J5}, 2i, 1g4S, the United States, approved July twenty-one, eighteen hundred and extended. forty-eight, extended by the act of February twenty-two, eighteen hun- {3*3 12;- dred and forty-nine, shall be construed to embrace the widows and or- ’ " ’ phans of all persons designated therein, who died while in actual service in the late war with Mexico, or in going to and returning from the same; and also to the widows and orphans of all such persons as, having been honorably discharged, or having resigned, shall have died after the passage of said last mentioned act,—or who may hereafter die, of wounds received or from disease contracted while in said service: p,°,,;,,_ Provided, That the army rolls showing the death of any of said persons in the army, shall be sufficient evidence to establish that fact. Approved, September 28, 1850.