592 THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 21. 1851. sums be, and the same are hereby appropriated, for the service of the post-oflice-department, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, out of any moneys in the treasury arising from the revenues of the said department, in conformity to the act of the second of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and for other pur oses, viz :—- Traqspcrtaticn For transriortation of the mails, including the service in California °f m“1°‘ and Oregon three millions four hundred and seventy-six thousand dollars. S¤¢•·m¤hiPm¤g For transportation of the mails in two steamships from New York, §,,:;°?m°° m by Southampton, to Bremen, at one hundred thousand dollars for each ship, under the contract with the Ocean Steam Navigation Company of New York; and for transportation by two ships under the same contract, from New York to Havre, at seventy-five thousand dollars each, in addition to an unexpended balance of former appropriations, two hundred and sixty-seven thousand dollars. (a.) P lsthmus of For transportation of the mails across the Isthmus of Panama, forty- “”'””“· five thousand dollars. Postmasters. For compensation to postmasters, one million eight hundred and seventy-tive thousand dollars. Strip, &c.,1et- For ship, steamboat, and way letters, forty-five thousand dollars. ’°¤{_¤g dd For wrapping paper, thirty-five thousand dollars. "U es" For office furniture, nine thousand dollars. For advertising, eighty thousand dollars. For mail bags, thirty-six thousand dollars. For blanks, thirty-tive thousand dollars. For mail-locks, keys, and stamps, ten thousand dollars. For mail depredations, and special agents, thirty-five thousand dollars. Hpierksin post- H Fo;] clerkg énuthe offices of postmasters, four hundred and twentv- ° °°“· vethousand dollars. S¤¤d¤'i¢¤· For miscellaneous items, eighty thousand dollars. For new mail-locks, and keys, twenty-five thousand dollars. For maps of post routes, six thousand dollars. __Ppst-offices in For incidental expenses of post-offices in California, from the dates °“M°"““‘ respectively of their establishment, to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and iitty-one, sixty-six thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in addition to the commissions allowed by law to postmasters; to be expended at such offices in such proportions, and pnder such Sefgulations, as the Postmaster-General may direct, and to e accounte or as commissions. _ Letter carriers Sec. 2. And be it furt/ser enacted, That the Postmaster-General }§‘,,,(g,‘;figf‘ md shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint letter carriers for the delivery of letters from any post-office in California or Oregon, and to allow the letter carriers who may be appointed at any such post-office to demand and receive such sum for all letters, newspapers, or other mailable matter delivered by them, as may be recommended by the postmaster for whose office such letter carrier may be appointed, npt exceeding five cents for every letter, two cents for every newspaper, Their appoint- and two cents for every ounce of other mailable matter; and the Postgzxztg; °°m' master-General shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to empower the ` special agents of the post-office-department in California and Oregon to appoint such letter carriers in their' districts respectively, and to fix the rates of their compensation within the limits aforesaid, subject to, and until the hnal action ot] the Postmaster-General thereon. And such appointments may be made, and rates of compensation modified from time to time, as may be deemed expedient; and the rates of compensation may be fixed and graduated in respect to the distance of
(zz) See act of 1845, ch. 69; 1846, ch. 31 ; 1847, ch. 37; 1848, ch. 79 and cb. 98; 1849, ch. 103; 1850, oh. 56.