THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 32. 1851. 599 sums be, and are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty- two, namely :— For compensation and mileage of senators, members of the House Compensation, of Representatives, and delegates, eight hundred and thirty-five thou- g':(,·m;*;§;§;°;§ sand and forty dollars. gong1w8s_ For compensation of the officers and clerks of both houses of Congress, forty-two thousand five hundred and sixty dollars and fifty cents. For stationery, fuel, printing, publishing proceedings and debates, Contingencies and all other contingent expenses of the Senate, one hundred and fifty °f S°”“*°· thousand dollars. For printing, binding, engraving, stationery, furniture, salary of the Contingencies librarian, four clerks of the house, messengers, pages, and laborers, ge rgggigtivgg salaries of extra clerks on index of claims, horses, mail carriages, &.c., P ` fuel, oil and candles, newspapers, alterations and repairs, and other miscellaneous items, for Capitol police, and other contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, two hundred and nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-one dollars. Library of Congress.-——-For compensation of librarian, two assist- Library or ant librarians, and messenger, four thousand five hundred dollars. grmss and ll` For contingent expenses of said library, eight hundred dollars. ` For purchase of books for said library, five thousand dollars. For purchase of law books for said library, two thousand dollars. Distribution And that of the two thousand copies of the Annals of Congress, con- gg Cgi: te·; ““1“ tracted for by the secretary of the Senate and the clerk of the House g ' of Representatives, by the act of Congress passed March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty, entitled "An Act making appropriations for 1850, oh. 90. the civil and diplomatic expenses of government, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and for other purposes," a further distribution, in addition to that already authorized by law, shall be made, as follows : One copy to the library of the President of the United States; two copies to each of the executive departments; five copies to the library of Congress; fifty copies to the library of the House of Representatives; twenty-five copies to the document room of the Senate, for the use of the Senate; six copies for the office of the secretary of the Senate; three hundred copies to colleges and literary institutions, and public or incorporated libraries, one to be designated by each senator, representative, and delegate in Congress; twenty-five copies for intemational exchanges; two copies to the executive office of each State and Territory; sixty copies to supply the several foreign legations of the United States, to be deposited in and distributed under such regulations as may be made by the department of state; two copies for the Military Academy, and two copies to the Naval School ; two copies to the Smithsonian Institution ; one copy to each Circuit and District Court of the United States ; and the residue to be deposited in the department of state, subject to the future disposition of Congress. And the amounts which may‘from Appropriation time to time become due to the publishers of the Annals of Congress, f°' ““m°· under the subscription authorized by the act aforesaid, shall be, and are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. And for defraying the expenses of preparing the opinions of the Opinionsofat- Att0rney’s-General under the resolution of this house, two thousand *°’“‘°Y‘€°“°’°l"· dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney·General. To enable the Smithsonian Institution to publish a new edition of Wilkesrs Nar- WllkE’S Narrative and the accompanying series of papers; the plfli€S r°'tN°` and engravings which have been made at the expense of the United