Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/679

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. v Pu mt to the Heirs of Robert Fulton. An act for the rel'ef' f' th h i f' R b t F I . ”'”Aug_7,1&6,ch.»3. . . . '€..‘TY?f’...f’.F`T...'f.*f’I 660 Richard Elliot! to receive a Pension. An act granting a. pension to Richard Elliott. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 111 .. . . . 660 Patrick Mastnrson to receive u Pension. An act for the reliefof Patrick Mastersou. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 112 ... . .. . .. 66] Wm. Gump to receive a Pension. An act for the relief of William Gump. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 113 . . 661 Orris Crosby to receive a Pension. An act granting E1 pension to Orris Crosby. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 114. . .. . 661 Grifen Kelly to receive u. Pension. A11 act for the relief of Griifeu Kelly. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 115 .. . . . . . ... 661 Joseph Dusseau to receive a Pension. An act granting a pension to Jo eph Dusseau. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 116.. . .. . ... 661 Excess of Duties in be refunded to Wm. B. Lang. An act for the relief of William B. Lang, Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 117. 662 Samuel Jordm to receive a Pension. An awt for the reIiefofSa.mueI Jordan. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 118 .. . .. .. . . . . 662 W. B. Parnell, and J, .8. Whiteside, authorized on surrender of Patents to enter certain Lands. An act for the relief of Wiley B. Parnell, of Blount county, Alabama, and James A. Whiteside, of Illinois. Aug. 8, 1846, cb. 119. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 662 Peter Rafe to receive a Pension. An act for the relief of Peter Rife. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 120. 663 Land Patent ta issue to Jose Camilla. An act for the relief of Jose Carxillo. Aug. S, 1846, ch. 121"".. .. .. 663 Mary Campbell to receive a Pension. An act {br the relief of Mary Campbell, widow of John Campbell. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 122 .. . ... 663 Duplicate Land Warrant to issue to Thomas Kelly. An ac.-At for the relief of the heirs or legal representatives of Thomas Kelly. Aug. 8., 1846, ch. 123.. . . .. . .. . .. .. 663 Lewis Laing to receive a Pension. An act for the relief of Lewis Laing. Aug.·8, 1846, ch. 124.. ., ... . .. . ... 664 Land Warrant to issue to Wm. Moss. An act for the relief of William Moss. Aug. 8, 1846. ch. 125,. . ... . 664 Elizabeth Betts to receive a. Pension. An act for the relief of Elizabeth Betts, of the city of NewYork. Aug. 8, 1846,ch.126. . ... ... ... .. . 664 Thos. Hp Catesby Jonas to be paid @501-78. An. act for the relief of Thomas Ap Catcsby Jones. Aug. B, 1846, ch.1 .. .. . ... . ... .. 664 Tonnage Duties ma. Ship Herald to be refunded. An act. for the relief of the owners of the ship Herald, of Baltimore. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 128. ... . . . . . . . . . 664 Margaux Gwinnup to receive u. Pension. An act for the relief of Margaret Gwinnup, of Hamilton county, Ohio. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 129. _. . ... 665 Isaiah Parker to be paid Ansar: of Pcnsio1•. An act for the relief of Isaiah Parker. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 130 . . ... 665 Sahr. Tana-ed, Fishing Bounty an, to be paid. An act for the relief of the owner and crew of the schooner Tancred. Aug. 8. 1846, ch. 131 . . . 665 Capt. John Patton to receive a Pension. An act for the relief of Captain John Patton. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 132. .. . . .. . . , 665 Lois Mattisan to receive a Pension. An act for the relief of Loi Muttisou, of the county of Jefersou, State of New York. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 133.. . .. . ... .. .. 666 Leah Gray torccciu u. Pension. An act for the relief of Leah Gray. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 134. 666 Wm. Pool to receive a Pension. An act for the relief of Wi]lia,m Pool. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 135. 666 Reward for Rcénlishnent to John McAllister. An. act for the relief of John McAllister, Aug. 8, _1846, ch. 136.. .. : ... . 666 Jams: Journey, Land Titl; pj] ggpjirmgd, An ac:. for the relief of James Journey. Aug. B, 1846, ch. 137 ... . ._ ... . 666 John G. McCloud permitted to amber certain Lands. School Lands in Imga. An act for the relief of John G. McCloud, of Linn county, Iowa,. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 138. . 667 John Carr, John Bauy, and Sam. Stevenson, to be paid for Detention as Witnesses. An act for the relief of John Carr, John Batty, and Samuel Stevenson, seamen on board the whale ship Margaret. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 139.. ... 667