Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/687

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. xiii thurize the sale cfu part of public reservntxon numbered thirteen, in the city of Wush— ingtou, and for other purposes. July 25, 1848, ch. 109. .. . . . . . . . . . 725 Lgmiian emjrmed, and Land for Cvuniy Site granted to Hillsborough County, (Florida,.) An act to confirm the location and to grunt o. quarter section of public lands tbr the county site of Hillsborough county, State of Florida, July 25, 1848, ch. 112. ... 726 Alfred White, Repayment to. An act for the relief of Alfred White. July 25, 1848, ch. 113. 726 Bonds of Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, cancelled. An act. for the relief of the Central Railroad and Banking Compuhy of Georgia. July 25, 1848, ch. 114. . . .. . . . . 727 Francis D. Ncwcovnb, Scttlement of Claim of An act to authorize the Secretary <»`the Treasury to make a. compromise and settlement with the securities of Francis D. Newcomb, late surveyor-general of the State of Louisiana. July 25, 1848, ch. 115. 727 Moses White, Payment of his Pension to his Heirs. An actfor the relief of the heirs 0£ Moses White. July 25, 1848, ch. 116. . ... . . .. . .. 727 Judgment against the Managers of the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Ojbnders, in New York, discharged. An act for the relief of the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in the city of New York. July 25, 1848, ch. 1.17. . . . . . . . . . . . 727 Bent, St. Vmin, and Company, Settlement and Payment of Claim qf. An act for the relief 0fBent, St. Vrain, and Company. Aug 5, 1848, ch. 123 . . ... .. . . 728 John /Inder-son, Repayment of Money to. An act for the relief of John Anderson. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 124. . _ .. . . . . 728 Bennet M. Doll', Payment to. An act for the relief of Bennet M. Dell. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 125. 728 E. G. Smith, Payment to. An act for the relief of E. G. Smith. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 126 728 John Manly, Pension to. An act for the relief of John Manly. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 127. 729 Charles Cnppel, Land conjirmcd to. An act for the relief of Charles Cappel. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 128. .. . . 729 Robert Ellis, Pension zo. An act for the relief of Robert Ellis. Aug. 5, 1848, cb. 129. . 729 Amzy Judd, Land Money Bounty to, for Rcénlistmnnt. An act for the relief of Amzy Judd. ` Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 130 . . ... . . . . .. .. 729 Catharine Fulton, Pension to. An act for the relief of Catharine Fulton, of Washington county, Pennsylvania. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 131. . . .. ... ... .. . .. . .. 730 William McKenzie, Jlrrenrages of Wages as Seaman to be paid to his Heirs. An act for the relief of the legal representatives of William McKenzie, late a. seaman on board the United States ship Vincennes. Aug. 5, [848, ch. 132. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 730 J. Tlrrorkmvrtnn, Claim aj, to be audited and paid. An act for the relief of J. Throckmorton. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 133. . . .. 730 Elqnh H. Willis, Payment to,for Service:. An act for the relief of Elijah H. Willis. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 134. . 731 Benjamin White, Land Warrant to issue to. An act for the relief of Benjamin White. Aug. 5, 1848, eh. 135. . . .. . 731 William Culver, Payment to, for Work and Materials. An act for the relief of William Culver. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 136 . . .. 731. Matthew Stewart, Payment to Heir: ¢ injidl. An act for the relief of the heirs of Matthew Stewart. Aug. 5, 1848, cb. 137 .. · . . . , . . 731 Surah Stokes, Pension to. An act for the relief of Sarah Stokes, widow of John Stokes. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 138. Jonathan Moore, Pension to. An act for the relief of Jonathan Moore, of the State of Ma - sachusetts. Aug. 5, 1848, ch. 139. . . ... . . . . . . . , . . . . ... . . . . 732 Burque Mary Teresa, Register to issue ta. An actto authorize the issuing an register to the barque Mary '1`ere a. Aug. 7, 1848, ch. 140... . .. ... 732 James .M. Scuntland, Pension to. An act for the relief of James M. Scautlund. Aug. 7, 1848, ch. 142. ... . . . . 732 Payment of certain Tennessee Volunteers. An act for the relief of certain Tennessee volunteers. Aug. 7, 1848, ch. 146. . . .. . 732 John Hardorp, Penalty remitted to. An act to refund u penalty remitted by the Secretary of the Treasury to John Hardorp. Aug. 7, 1848, ch. 148. .. . . ... 733 Catharine Hofmun, Pension tu. An act for the relief of Catharine Hodinam. Aug. 7, 1848, ch.149 ... . .. .. . . . . ... ... 733