Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/70

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44 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 74. 1846. . Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the deputies of any col. d,,,£:P°t:,° ug: lector, naval officer, or surveyor, and the clerks employed by guy sworn. collector, naval officer, surveyor, or appraiser-, who are not by existing laws required to be sworn, shall, before entering ·upon their respective duties, or, if already employed, before continuing in the discharge thereof, take and subscribe an oath or atlirmation faithfully and diligently to perform such duties, and to use their best endeavors to prevent and detect frauds upon the revenue of the United States; Form of oath, which oath or affirmation shall be administered by the collector of the g?,;,?;" °dm”" port or district where the said deputies or clerks may be employed, and ` shall be of a form to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Impormions Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That no officer or other person, iu U-.5- '°°°°l°» connected with the navy of the United States, shall, under any pre. gl-$ii:$lg§_g°°d°’ tence, import in any ship or vessel of the United States any goods, Wares, or merchandise, liable to the payment of any duty. RQPMI of i¤· Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts °°””“°’"°°°t° repugnant to the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby_ repealed. Scnmwtm A. — (One hundred per centum ad valorem.) S°h°d“l°A»100 Brandy and other spirits distilled from grain, or other materials; l’,;;,;?nt' °d u` cordials, absynthe, arrack, curacoa, kirschenwasser, liquers, maraschino, rataiia, and all other spirituous beverages of a similar character. Sonnnurn B.- (Forty per centum ad valurem.) 5¤h¤d¤l¤ B,40 Alabaster and spar ornaments; almonds; anchovies, sardines, and {°,;,,'f°t‘ Ml "' all other fish preserved in oil; camphor refined; cassia; cloves; composition tops for tables, or other articles of furniture; comfits, sweetmeats, or fruit preserved in sugar, brandy, or molasses; currants; dates; figs; ginger root, dried or green; glass, cut; mace; manufactures of cedar wood, granadilla, ebony, mahogany, rosewood, and satin wood; nutmegs; pimento ; prepared vegetables, meats, poultry, and game sealed or inclosed in cans, or otherwise; prunes; raisins; scagliola tops for tables, or other articlesof furniture; segars, snuff, paper segars, and all other manufactuies of tobacco; wines, Burgundy, champagne, claret, Madeira, Port, sherry, and all other wines and imitations of wines. Scunnum: C. — (Thirty per centum ad valorem.) Schedule c,ao Ale, beer, and porter in casks or bottles; argentine, alabatta, or ]’:,;,:°¤*· ad '¤· German silver, manufactured or unmanufactured; articles embroid- ` ered with gold, silver, or other metal; articles worn by men, women, or children, of whatever material composed, made up, or made wholly or in_part, by hand; asses’ skins; balsams, cosmetics, essences, extracts, pastes, perfumes, and tinctures, used either for the toilet or for medicinal purposes; baskets, and all other articles composed of grass, osier, palm-leaf; straw, whalebone, or willow, not otherwise provided for; bay rum; beads, of amber, composition, or wax, and all other beads; benzoates; bologna sausages; bracelets, braids, chains, curls, or ringlets, composed of hair, or of which hair is a component part; braces, suspenders, webbing, or other fabrics, composed wholly or in part of India rubber, not otherwise provided for; brooms and brushes of all kinds; cameos, real and imitation, and mosaics, real and imitation,.when set in gold, silver, or other metal; canes, and sticks, for walking, finished or unfinished; capers, pickles, and sauces of all kinds, not otherwise provided for; caps, hats, muffs, and tippets of fur, and all other manufactures of fur, or of which fur shall be a component material; caps, gloves, leggins, mits, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, and all similar articles made on frames, worn by