674 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 167, 168,171, 172. 1846. Aug. 8, 1846. Cru?. CLXVlI.—-./Bn Act or the Relief of Ma Phelps, 0 the Con o Gene- '!! W ·———···—* see, State of New York. M, PMP, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the allowed a pen- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary
$96 P°’ of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to place the
name of Mary Phelps on the revolutionary pension roll, at the rate of ninety-six dollars per annum, to commence the seventeenth day of llpebiiiuary, eiglfgeemhundred and forty-five, for two years' service of er usband iehard Austen. Approved, August 8, 1846. Aug. 8, 1846. Crue. CLXVIII. — An Ad granting a Pension to Daniel Pratt. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Pension of $4 United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary l':v5€,{“Q;*t1,Buul‘;, of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place the Pratt. name of Daniel Pratt on the invalid pension roll of the United States, and that he pay him, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of four dollars per month, from the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, during his natural life. Arpnovnn, August 8, 1846. Aug. 8, 1846. _ Cnnr. CLXXI. -— An Act taautlwrizc the ctmstituted Authorities of the County of """""""""‘ folic, in the Territory of Iowa, to enter a Quarter Sectum of Land for a Seat of ustzce. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ty' the Authorities or United States of America in Congress assembled, That the constituted $*:,1: ,2 af authorities of the county of Polk, in the Territory of Iowa, be, and to 8,.,,6, u,;,;,. are hereby, authorized to enter, by legal subdivisions, the quarter section 9% land section of land upon which Fort Des Moines, in the Territory of “P°° ""ll‘°h f°Yt Iowa, is situated, upon paying to the proper register and receiver pu Lliouics B therefor one dollar and a quarte per cre P o id d That th eat srtuate or a. l' B. I t' v 8 G S °°°* °*` .l““i°*’· of justice of said county is located on said tract of lahd. Armzovnn, August 8, 1846. Aug. 8, 1846. Can. CLXXII.——An Act authorizing the Inhabitants of Township one, of Ra ---———-—-—- thirteen east, Seneca County, Ohio, to relinquish certain Land: selected W Schools, and to obtain others in Lien of them. Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Re esentatives 0 the . V . . P' . School names Unzzzd States,;;}}` Almetrzgastarg Colpgruiss assembled; Tlhztlgscgicstht; felinof township I q\11S HIGH O 8 Di 6 3. CS y G pl'0p€l' B0 00 0 0W11- g*§°‘;ag;_,(§,€é ship one, of range thirteen east, in Seneca. conmty, Ohio, of all. the gurhmmdwnm. right, t1tlo, and mterest, of the inhabitants of said township to the li*}*l¤i¤hl¤S ¢<=1’· east half and north-west quarter of section eight, in township ten {:$]“§€,2,.;° sf,} south, of range nine east, containing four hundred and eighty acres, lieu tim-eott and Cedar Point, on Cedar Island, in Lake Erie, containing thirty- four acres and eighty-mne hundredths of an acre, heretofore selected for them as school lands, under the provisions of the act of twentieth May, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, entitled "An Act to appropri- 1826, eh. 83. ate Lands for the support of Schools in certain Townships and tractional Townships, not heretofore provided for," the said school trustees