728 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 123, 124, 125, 126. 1848. released and discharged; and that the proper law officer of the United States in said court cause satisfaction thereof to be entered of record. Approved, July 25, 1848. Aug- 5, 1848- Cntr. CXXIII. -.6ln Act for the Relief of Bent, St. Vrain, and Company. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the The Mm PY United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper Bent, St. Vrain, - . and Company ,0 accounting officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, directed besettlednnprin- to audit and settle the claim of Bent, St. Vrain, and Company, on
- l
- j‘;;S;:8fq“‘*Y principles of equity and justice, for provisions collected for the use of
a detachment of United States troops on the waters of the upper Arkansas, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-three, under a contract made with Major Lee, commissary of subsistence at St. Louis, and recommended to be allowed by General Gibson, Commissary·General of Subsistence, by letter to the Second Comptroller, dated May Amount found twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and forty-four; and that the amount ggiflhtbem “’ b° found due to the said Bent, St. Vrain, and Company, be paid to them out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, August 5, 1848. Aug. 5, 1848. Cntr. CXXIV.—.8n Aetfor the Relief of John Anderson. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 82333 82 to be United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of two 5;::1 I;’°‘;h*fe£;"l';;': thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and eighty-two and a ygperly yccciyed half cents he paid to John Anderson, of .leH`erson county, Missouri, livm hrm ¤S r9¤¢ for forty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-four pounds of lead, 3:.,,,:,, l°;§10’;*,f2§ received by the agent of the United States as rent for the use of a lead mmm utthethne mine which belonged to said Anderson at the time the rent was paid. '°“‘ ‘"° P*‘“d· Approved, August 5, 1848. Aug. 5, 1843. Can. CXXV.-An Aotfar the Relief of Bennet M. Dell. Be it enacted by t/te Senate and House if Representatives of the $750 to bepaid United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary g‘;“:°;uljgin§°;: of the Treasury pay to Bennet M. Dell, out of any money in the treas- Ncwmnsviue, ury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of seven hundred and fifty F,]l°¤’id¤J¤k}'·¤_¤ {yr dollars, being for the value of a certain building at Newnansville, in b§,,eas§,,°€€S_t E Florida, which was taken for the use of the United States by order of Colonel Francis R. Sanchez, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty- five, and continued in the use of the United States as a blockhouse and magazine until eighteen hundred and forty-one when it was abandoned and pulled down. Approved, August 5, 1848. Aug. 5, IMS. Gun. CXXVI.—.6n Act for the Relief of E. G. Smith. Commimone, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tbz or Patents to pay United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commis- E·G·Sml*l`¤ Such sioner of Patents be authorized to pay E. G. Smith, from the patent g;E§°°;`;::;§§Sfg; fund, such compensation for extra service, out of office hours, renhe may deem a dered by him in the preparation of the agricultural report in eighteen {.:‘:,j`l‘;'j‘:,;‘:,;“;;’: hundred and forty-four and eighteen hundred and forty-tive, as in the formed. Commissiouer’s judgment is a fair remuneration for the labor per-