792 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ras. 6, 7, 8. 1849. Egg: to be made of certain unsurveyed lands lying in township seven and c°“nt,,NisS· eight, of range three west, in Adams county, Mississippi, and more particularly known as a triangular slip lying between the lands granted to Joseph Bernard, and surveyed for his representatives, in the year eighteen hundred and six, on the north, and the lands, marked on the maps of the Surveyor-Geueral’s office, south of Tennessee, as Balser Shillings, and now occupied and owned by John B. Nevitt on the veA;? south ; and when so surveyed, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner, Jul", ’B, Nmg, as aforesaid, to notify the said John B. Nevitt of the number of acres 0f *11** ¤¤¤¤b¢r<>f ascertained to be vacant, and if the said Nevitt, or, in case of his
- 3:,: Egugpagg death, his legal representatives, shall, within six months next succeedlegal represents.- ing such notice, oder to pay to the receiver of the Land Office of the
- ‘
- ;*;’,°$;;l
- j district within which said lands lie, one dollar and twenty·live cents
imum pdgm per acre for the same, it shall be the duty of the receiver aforesaid to accept such otfer, and, on payment being made, to give a receipt therefor, as in other cases of land entries, and on the presentation of said receipt to the Commissioner of the General Land Oihce, he shall cause a patent to issue, as in all other cases of lands paid for. Arpaovnn, February 22, 1849. FEV 22» 18*9- [No. 6.] —Joint Resolution authorizing a Settlement of the Accounts of Thomas H M. Howe, late Pension Agent at Pittsburg, upon equitable Principles. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ,I.A°‘i‘}“““HO:; States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounttc} bg ,;,,;,,1 0,, ing officers of the Treasury Department be, and they are hereby, principles ofjus- authorized to settle and adjust the accounts of Thomas M. Howe, late "°° and °q“'°Y‘ pension agent at Pittsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, according to the principles of equity; and to admit the vouchers without regard to strict legal rules, if to them it shall appear that said vouchers are in all other respects correct. Ammovnn, February 22, 1849. Feb. 22, 1849. [No. 7.] -· A Joint Resolution for tho Relief of H. M. Barney. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United P<>¤¤¤5¤¤¤f¤1‘- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster·Gen- §',‘;Q‘§fg‘l’ bf; eral, in the adjustment of the accounts of H. M. Barney, postccuntstoenarge master at Brimlield, Peoria county, Illinois, be required to charge Emlgé E;";? Barney nothing for the receipts of his onice during the quarter ending .,,;,,,.3 ,,; M, 0;. the thirty-first of December, eighteen hundred and forty-seven. iw during the Armzovnn, February—22, 1849. 4th quarter of 1847. Feb. 26, 1849. [N0. 8.] —Joint Resolution for telic Religi of J. Melville Gillies and "‘;"""" 0 GJ. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the accounting officers A<=¢°¤¤*i¤8°*'· of the treasury are hereby authorized and directed, in settling the gigs gg2Q3Q?` accounts of Lieutenant J. Melville Gilliss, of the navy, for the time the becounts at during which he had charge of the depot of charts at Washington, and {-,·;;“:n•& also in settling the accounts of those officers of the navy who were siSt§,ms_;° may employed as additional assistants of Lieutenant Gilliss, for making