Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/988

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at a fraudulent abuse of this stipulation which they may know of or may have reason to suspect, and to give to such authorities all the aid in their power with regard thereto; and every such attempt, when duly proved and established by sentence of a competent tribunal, shall be punished by the confiscation of the property so attempted to be fraudulently introduced.

denunciar á las autoridades Mexicanas en los mismos puertos, cualquier conato de fraudulento abuso de esta estipulacion que pudiéren conocer ó tuvieren motivo de sospechar; asi como de impartir á las mismas autoridades todo el auxilio que pudiéren con este objeto: y cualquier conato de esta clase, que fuére legalmente probado, y declarado por sentencia de tribunal competente, será castigado con el comiso de la cosa que se haya intentado introducir fraudulentamente.

Article XIX.

Rules to be observed with respect to merchandise imported into Mexican ports whilst in the occupation of the forces of the United States. With respect to all merchandise, effects, and property whatsoever, imported into ports of Mexico whilst in the occupation of the forces of the United States, whether by citizens of either republic, or by citizens or subjects of any neutral nation, the following rules shall be observed:—

Articulo XIX.

Respecto de los efectos, mercancias y propiedades importadas en los puertos Mexicanos durante el tiempo que han estado ocupados por las fuerzas de los Estados Unidos, sea por ciudadanos de cualquiera de las dos repúblicas, sea por ciudadanos ó subditos de alguna nacion neutral, se observarán las reglas siguientes:—

Merchandise, &c., imported previous to the restoration of the custom-houses, exempt from confiscation. 1. All such merchandise, effects, and property, if imported previously to the restoration of the custom-houses to the Mexican authorities, as stipulated for in the third article of this treaty, shall be exempt from confiscation, although the importation of the same be prohibited by the Mexican tariff.

1. Los dichos efectos, mercancias y propiedades siempre que se hayan importado antes de la devolucion de las aduanas á las autoridades Mexicanas conforme á lo estipulado en el articulo tercero de este tratado, quedarán libres de la pena de comiso, aun cuando sean de los prohibidos en el arancél Mexicano.

The same exemption as to merchandise, &c., imported subsequently to the restoration of the custom-houses; but the same may be subject to payment of duties as provided for in the 20th article. 2. The same perfect exemption shall be enjoyed by all such merchandise, effects, and property, imported subsequently to the restoration of the custom-houses, and previously to the sixty days fixed in the following article for the coming into force of the Mexican tariff at such ports respectively; the said merchandise, effects, and property being, however, at the time of their importation, subject to the payment of duties, as provided for in the said following article.

2. La misma exencion gozarán los efectos, mercancias y propiedades que lleguen á los puertos Mexicanos, despues de la devolucion á México de las aduanas maritimas, y antes de que espiren los sesenta dias que van á fijarse en el artículo siguiente para que empieze á regir el arancél Mexicano en los puertos; debiendo al tiempo de su importacion sujetarse los tales efectos, mercancias y propiedades, en cuanto al pago de derechos, á lo que en el indicado siguiente artículo se establece.

Merchandise, effects, &c., during continuance at place of importation, and upon leaving such place for the interior, exempt from duty, &c. 3. All merchandise, effects, and property described in the two rules foregoing shall, during their continuance at the place of importation, and upon their leaving such place for the interior, be exempt

3. Los efectos, mercancias y propiedades designados en las dos reglas anteriores quedárán exentos de todo derecho, alcabála ó impuesto, sea bajo el titulo internacion, sea bajo cualquiera otro, mi-