Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/944

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 894


, 43 USC 620d. 43 USC 620g.

For the Upper Colorado River Storage Project, as authorized by the Act of April 11, 1956, as amended (43 U.S.C. 620d), to remain available until expended, $59,331,000, of which $55,200,000 shall be available for the "Upper Colorado River Basin Fund" authorized by section 5 of said Act of April 11, 1956, and $4,131,000 shall be available for construction of recreational and fish and wildlife facilities authorized by section 8 thereof, and may be expended by bureaus of the Department through or in cooperation with State or other Federal agencies, and advances to such Federal agencies are hereby authorized: Provided, That no part of the funds herein approved shall be available for construction or operation of facilities to prevent waters of Lake Powell from entering any national monument. COLORADO RIVER BASIN PROJECT

43 USC 1543. 43 USC 1521. 43 USC 1523.

For advances to the Lower Colorado River Basin Development Fund, as authorized by section 403 of the Act of September 30, 1968 (82 Stat. 894), for the construction, operation, and maintenance of projects authorized by title III of said Act, to remain available until expended, $94,020,000, of which $20,600,000 is for liquidation of contract authority provided by section 303(b) of said Act. COLORADO RIVER BASIN SALINITY CONTROL PROJECTS

43 USC 1571 note.

For construction, operation and maintenance of projects authorized by the Act of June 24, 1974, Public Law 93-320, to remain available until expended, $44,680,000. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE

For operation and maintenance of reclamation projects or parts thereof and other facilities, as authorized by law; and for a soil and moisture conservation program on lands under Xho, jurisdiction of the Bureau of Reclamation, pursuant to law, $143,000,000, of which $116,000,000 shall be derived from the reclamation fund and $5,172,000 shall be derived from the Colorado River Dam fund: Provided., That funds advanced by water users for operation and maintenance o.f reclamation projects or parts thereof shall be deposited to the credit of this appropriation and may be expended for the same objects and in the same manner as sums appropriated herein may be expended, and such advances shall remain available until expended. LOAN PROGRAM

43 USC 388.

For loans to irrigation districts and other public agencies for construction of distribution systems on authorized Federal reclamation projects, and for loans and grants to non-Federal agencies for construction of projects, as authorized by the Act of July 4, 1955, as amended (43 U.S.C. 421a-421d), and August 6, 1956, as amended (43 U.S.C. 422a-422k), including expenses necessary for carrying out the program, $27,495,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That any contract under the Act of July 4, 1955 (69 Stat. 244), as amended, not yet executed by the Secretary, which calls for the making of loans beyond the fiscal year in which the contract is entered into shall be made only on the same conditions as those prescribed in section 12 of the Act of August 4, 1939 (53 Stat. 1187, 1197).