Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/1042

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 2510

PUBLIC LAW 94-542—OCT. 18, 1976 ii


"SEC. 602. The Commission shall receive and determine in accordance with applicable substantive law, including international law, the validity and amounts of claims by nationals of the United States against the German Democratic Republic for losses arising as a result of the nationalization, expropriation, or other taking of (or special measures directed against) property, including any rights or interests therein, owned wholly or partially, directly or indirectly, at the time by nationals of the United States whether such losses occurred in the Publication in German Democratic Republic or in East Berlin. Such claims must be Federal Register. submitted to the Commission within the period speciified by the Commission by notice published in the Federal Register (which period shall not be more than twelve months after such publication) within sixty days after the enactment of this title or of legislation making appropriations to the Commission for payment of administrative expenses incurred in carrying out its functions under this title, whichever date is later. 22 USC 1644b.


22 USC 1644c.

"SEC. 603. A claim shall not be favorably considered under section 602 of this title unless the property right on which it is based was owned, wholly or partially, directly or indirectly, by a national of the United States on the date of loss and if favorably considered, the claim shall be considered only if it has been held by one or more nationals of the United States continuously from the date that the loss occurred until the date of filing with the Commission. CORPORATE CLAIMS

22 USC 1644d.

"SEC. 604. (a) A claim under section 602 of this title based upon an ownership interest in any corporation, association, or other entity which is a national of the United States, shall not be considered. A claim under section 602 of this title based upon a debt or other obligation owing by any corporation, association, or other entity organized under the laws of the United States, or of any State, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico shall be considered only when such debt or other obligation is a charge on property which has been nationalized, expropriated, or taken by the German Democratic Republic. "(b) A claim under section 602 of this title based upon a direct ownership interest in a corporation, association, or other entity for loss, shall be considered subject to the provisions of this title, if such corporation, association or other entity on the date of the loss was not a national of the United States, without regard to the per centum of ownership vested in the claimant. "(c) A claim under section 602 of this title for losses based upon an indirect ownership interest in a corporation, association, or other entity, shall be considered, subject to the other provisions of this title, only if at least 25 per centum of the entire ownership interest thereof, at the time of such loss, was vested in nationals of the United States. "(d) The amount of any claim covered by subsections (b) or (c) of this section shall be calculated on the basis of the total loss suffered by such corporation, association, or other entity, and shall bear the same proportion to such loss as the ownership interest of the claimant at the time of loss bears to the entire ownership interest thereof.