Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/1407

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-582—OCT. 21, 1976

90 STAT. 2875


SEC. 9. The United States Grain Standards Act, as amended, is amended by adding new sections 7A and 7B as follows: " W E I G H I N G AUTHORITY

"SEC. 7 A. (a) The Administrator shall cause official weighing under standards provided for in section 4 of this Act to be made of all grain required to be officially weighed as provided in section 5 of this Act, in accordance with such regulations as the Administrator may prescribe. "(b) The Administrator is authorized to cause supervision of weighing under standards provided in section 4 of this Act to be performed at any grain elevator, warehouse, or other storage or handling facility located other than at export port locations at which official inspection is provided pursuant to the provisions of this Act, in such manner as the Administrator deems appropriate and under such regulations as the Administrator may provide. "(c)(1) With respect to official weighing or supervision of weighing for locations at which official inspection is provided by the Service, the Administrator shall cause such official weighing or supervision of weighing to be performed by official inspection personnel employed by the Service. "(2) With respect to official weighing or supervision of weighing for any location at which official inspection is provided other than by the Service, the Administrator is authorized, with respect to export port locations, to delegate authority to perform official weighing to the State agency providing official inspection service at such location, and with respect to any other location, to designate the agency or person providing official inspection service at such location to perform supervision of weighing, if such agency or person qualifies for a delegation of authority or designation number section 7 of this Act, except that where the term 'official inspection' is used in such section it shall be deemed to refer to 'official weighing' or 'supervision of weighing' under this section. If such agency or person is not available to perform such weighing services, or the Administrator determines that such agency or person is not qualified to perform such weighing services, then (A) at export elevators at export port locations official weighing shall be performed by official inspection personnel employed by the Service, and (B) at any other location, the Administrator is authorized to cause supervision of weighing to be performed by official inspection personnel employed by the Service or designate any State or local governmental agency, or any person to perform supervision of weighing, if such agency or person meets the same criteria that agencies must meet to be designated to perform official inspection as set out in section 7 of this Act, except that where the term 'official inspection' is used in such section it shall be deemed to refer to 'supervision of weighing' under this section. Delegations and designations made pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to the same provisions for delegations and designations set forth in subsection (g) of section 7 of this Act. "(d) The Administrator is authorized to cause official weighing under this Act to be made, as provided in subsection (a) of section ^ of this Act, in Canadian ports of United States export grain transshipped through Canada; and pursuant thereto the Secretary is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Canadian Government for such official weighing.

Regulations. 7 USC 79a. Ante, p. 2869. Ante, p. 2869. Supervision, regulations.

Authority delegation.

Ante, p. 2870.

Canadian Government, weighing agreement. Ante, p. 2869.