Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/651

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-482—OCT. 12, 1976

90 STAT. 2119

establishing branch offices to serve the needs of lenders which are geographically distant from such insurer's primary business location, and (v) an appropriate share of the compensation of personnel whose primary responsibility is the training, supervising, or recruiting of lenders, but not including personnel whose primary responsibilities are the performing or supervising such duties as relate to the routine processing of borrower applications for loans or the maintenance of supporting records but in no case shall any such costs include any overhead expenses of such insurer associated with the insurer's primary business location. "(B) 'administrative costs of collection of loans' means any administrative costs incurred by a guaranty agency which are directly related to the collection of loans on which default claims have been paid to participating lenders, including the compensation of collection personnel (and in the case of personnel who perform several functions for such an agency only the portion of compensation attributable to collection activities), attorney's fees, fees paid to collection agencies, postage, equipment, supplies, telephone and similar charges, but does not include the overhead costs of such agency, and "(C) 'administrative costs of preclaim assistance for default prevention' means any administrative costs incurred by a guaranty agency which are directly related to providing collection assistance to lenders on delinquent loans, prior to the loans being legally in a default status, including the compensation of appropriate personnel (and in the case of personnel who perform several functions for such an agency only the portion of compensation attributable to collection activities) fees paid to locate missing borrowers, postage, equipment, supplies, telephone and similar charges, but does not include the overhead costs of such agency, subject to such additional criteria as the Commissioner may by regu- Regulation, lation prescribe. "(4)(A) No payment may be made under paragraph (1) of this Application, subsection unless the State or the nonprofit private institution or organization submits to the Commissioner an application at such time, at least aimually, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information, as the Commissioner may reasonably require. Each such application shall— "(i) contain provisions designed to demonstrate the capability of carrying out a necessary and successful program of collection of and preclaim assistance for the loan program subject to that agreement; "(ii) set forth an estimate of the costs which are eligible for payment under the provisions of this subsection; "(iii) provide for such administrative and fiscal procedures, including an audit, as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this subsection; and "(iv) set forth assurances that the State or the nonprofit private institution or organization will furnish such data and information, including where necessary estimates, as the Commissioner may reasonably require to carry out the provisions of this subsection. "(B) No payment may be made under paragraph (2) of this subsec- Application, tion unless the State or the nonprofit private institution or organization submits to the Commissioner an application, at such time, at least annually, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information as the Commissioner may reasonably require. Each such application shall—