Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/664

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 2132

PUBLIC LAW 94-482—OCT. 12, 1976

"(D) in any State, a single agency of the State or a single nonprofit private agency designated by the State; " (E) an eligible institution which meets the requirements of paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection and which has signed an agreement pursuant to section 433; and " (F) for purposes only of purchasing and holding loans made by other lenders under this part, the Student Loan Marketing Association or an agency of any State functioning as a secondary market. " (2) To be an eligible lender under this part, an eligible institution— "(A) shall employ at least one person whose full-time responsibilities are limited to the administration of programs of financial aid for students attending such institution; and "(B) shall not be a home study school. "(3) The term eligible lender does not include any eligible institution in any fiscal year immediately after the fiscal year in which the Commissioner determines, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, that for each of two consecutive years 15 per centum or more of the amount of the loan described in section 428(a)(1) made with respect to students at that institution and repayable in each such year is in default, as defined in section 430(e)(2). " (4) Whenever the Commissioner determines that— "(A) there is reasonable possibility that an eligible institution may, within one year after a determination is made under paragraph (3), improve the collection of loans described in section 428 (a)(1), so that the application of paragraph (3) would be a hardship to that institution, or "(B) the termination of the lender's status under paragraph (3) would be a hardship to the present or for prospective students of the eligible institution, after considering the management of that institution, the ability of that institution to improve the collection of loans, the opportunities that institution offers to economically disadvantaged students, and other related factors, Waiver. the Commissioner shall waive the provisions of paragraph (3) with respect to that institution. Any determination required under this paragraph shall be made by the Commissioner prior to the termination of an eligible institution as a lender under the exception of paragraph (3). Whenever the Commissioner grants a waiver pursuant to this paragraph he shall provide technical assistance to the institution concerned in order to improve the collection rate of such loans. "Line of credit." "(h) The term 'line of credit' means an arrangement or agreement between the lender and the borrower whereby a loan is paid out by the lender to the borrower in annual installments, or whereby the lender agrees to make, in addition to the initial loan, additional loans in subsequent years. "Due diligence." "(i) The term 'due diligence' requires the utilization by a lender, in the servicing and collection of loans insured under this part, of collection practices at least as extensive and forceful as those generally practiced by financial institutions for the collection of consumer loans. "DISTRICT







20 USC 1086. "SEC. 436. (a) The government of the District of Columbia is D.C. Code 1-265. authorized (1) to establish a student loan insurance program which meets the requirements of this part for a State loan insurance program in order to enter into agreements with the Commissioner for the purposes of this title, (2) to enter into such agreements with the Commis-