Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/782

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 2250

PUBLIC LAW 94-484—OCT. 12, 1976 u DEI^GATION"

42 USC 292g.

"SEC. 707. The Secretary may delegate the authority to administer any program authorized by this title to the administrator of a central or regional office or offices of the Department, except that the authority— "(1) to review, and prepare comments on the merit of, any application for a grant or contract under any such program for purposes of presenting such application to the National Advisory Council on Health Professions Education, and " (2) to make such a grant or enter into such a contract, shall not be delegated to any administrator of, or officer in, a regional office or offices of the Department.". H E A L T H PROFESSIONS DATA

SEC. 206. Part A of title VII is amended by adding after section 707 (added by section 205) the following new section: ii

42 USC 292h.


Grants and contracts.



"SEC. 708. (a) The Secretary shall establish a program, including a uniform health professions data reporting system, to collect, compile, and analyze data on health professions personnel which shall initially include data respecting all physicians and dentists in the United States and its territories and possessions. The Secretary is authorized to expand the program to include, whenever he determines it necessary, the collection, compilation, and analysis of data respecting pharmacists, optometrists, podiatrists, veterinarians, public health, personnel, audiologists, speech pathologists, health care administration personnel, nurses, allied health personnel, medical technologists, and any other health personnel in States designated by the Secretary to be included in the program. Such data shall include data respecting the training, licensure status (including permanent, temporary, partial, limited, or institutional), place or places of practice, professional specialty, practice characteristics, place and date of birth, sex, and socio-economic background of health professions personnel and such other demographic information regarding health professions personnel as the Secretary may require. "(b)(1) In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall collect available information from appropriate local. State, and Federal agencies and other appropriate sources. "(2) The Secretary shall conduct or enter into contracts for the conduct of analytic and descriptive studies of the health professions, including evaluations and projections of the supply of, and requirements for, the health professions by specialty and geographic location. "(3) The Secretary is authorized to make grants and to enter into contracts with States (or an appropriate nonprofit private entity in any State) for the purpose of participating in the program established under subsection (a). The Secretary shall determine the amount and scope of any such grant or contract. To be eligible for a grant or contract under this paragraph a State or entity shall submit an application in such form and manner and containing such information as the Secretary shall require. Such application shall include reasonable assurances, satisfactory to the Secretary, that— "(A) such State (or nonprofit entity within a State) will establish a program of mandatory annual registration of the health professions personnel described in subsection (a) who reside or