Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/792

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 2260

PUBLIC LAW 94-484—OCT. 12, 1976 mum rate prescribed and defined by the Secretary (within the limits set forth in subsection (b)) on a national, regional, or other appropriate basis, which interest shall be compounded semiannually and payable in installments over the period of the loan; " (E) entitles the student borrower to accelerate without penalty repayment of the whole or any part of the loan; and " (F) contains such other terms and conditions consistent with the provisions of this subpart and with the regulations issued by the Secretary pursuant to this subpart, as may be agreed upon by the parties to such loan, including, if agreed upon, a provision requiring the borrower to pay to the lender, in addition to principal and interest, amounts equal to the insurance premiums payable by the lender to the Secretary with respect to such loan. "(b) No maximum rate of interest prescribed and defined by the Secretary for the purpose of paragraph (2)(D) of subsection (a) may exceed 10 percent per annum on the unpaid principal balance of the loan. "(c) The total of the payments by a borrower during any year of any repayment period with respect to the aggregate amount of all loans to that borrower which are insured under this subpart shall not be less than the annual interest on the outstanding principal. "CERTIFICATE or FEDERAL L O A N INSURANCE—EFFECTIVE DATE OF INSURANCE

42 USC 294e.


"SEC. 732. (a)(1) If, upon application by an eligible lender, made upon such form, containing such information, and supported by such evidence as the Secretary may require, and otherwise in conformity with this section, the Secretary finds that the applicant has made a loan to an eligible student which is insurable under the provisions of this subpart, he may issue to the applicant a certificate of insurance covering the loan and setting forth the amount and terms of the insurance. "(2) Insurance evidenced by a certificate of insurance pursuant to subsection (a)(1) shall become effective upon the date of issuance of the certificate, except that the Secretary is authorized, in accordance with regulations, to issue commitments with respect to proposed loans, or with respect to lines (or proposed lines) of credit, submitted by eligible lenders, and in that event, upon compliance with subsection (a)(1) by the lender, the certificate of insurance may be issued effective as of the date when any loan, or any payment by the lender pursuant to a line of credit, to be covered by such insurance was made. Such insurance shall cease to be effective upon 60 days' default by the lender in the payment of any installment of the premiums payable pursuant to subsection (c). "(3) An application submitted pursuant to subsection (a)(1) shall contain (A) an agreement by the applicant to pay, in accordance with regulations, the premiums fixed by the Secretary pursuant to subsection (c), and (B) an agreement IDV the applicant that if the loan is covered by insurance the applicant will submit such supplementary reports and statements during the effective period of the loan agreement, upon such forms, at such times, and containing such information as the Secretary may prescribe by or pursuant to regulation. "(b)(1) I n lieu of requiring a separate insurance application and issuing a separate certificate of insurance for each student loan made by an eligible lender as provided in subsection (a), the Secretary