Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/105

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-238—FEB. 25, 1978

92 STAT. 51

(8) High Energy Physics: (A) Project 78-10-a, accelerator improvements and modifications, various locations, $4,500,000. (B) 78-10-b, proton-proton intersecting storage accelerator facility, Brookhaven National Laboratory, $10,500,000. (C) Project 78-11-a, master substation reliability and capacity improvements, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, California, $1,700,000. (9) Nuclear Physics: (A) Project 78-12-a, accelerator and reactor improvements and modifications, various locations, $1,900,000. (B) Project 78-12-b, high intensity uranium beams, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, California, $6,000,000. (10) Basic Energy Sciences: (A) Project 78-13-a, national synchrotron light source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, $24,000,000. (B) Project 78-13-b, combustion research facility, Sandia Laboratories, Livermore, California, $9,400,000. (11) Uranium Enrichment: (A) Project 78-14-a, centrifuge facilities modifications, various locations, $30,000,000. (B) Project 78-14-b, process control modifications, plants, various locations, $17,400,000, (C) Project 78-15-a, water system improvements, gaseous diffusion plant, Paducah, Kentucky, $4,500,000. (12) Program Management and Support: (A) Project 78-1-b, chiller mcdifications for energy conservation, Bendix Plant, Kansas City, Missouri, $830,000. (B) Project 78-1-c, process waste heat utilization, gaseous diffusion plant, Paducah, Kentucky, $5,700,000. (C) Project 78-19-a, program support facility, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois (A-E and long-lead procurement only), $5,000,000. (13) Project 78-21, General Plant Projects, $44,265,000. (14) Project 78-22, Construction Planning and Design, $10,000,000. (15) Capital Equipment Not Related to Construction: (A) Conservation research and development, $8,670,000. (B) Fossil energy development, $5,500,000. (C) Solar energy development, $7,900,000. (D) Geothermal energy development, $2,500,000. (E) Magnetic fusion, $27,600,000. (F) Fuel cycle research and development, $25,300,000. (G) Liquid metal fast breeder reactor, $35,650,000. (H) Nuclear research and applications, $18,595,000. (I) Light water reactor safety facilities, $800,000. (J) High energy physics, nuclear physics, and basic energy sciences, $61,300,000." (K) Nuclear materials, security and safeguards, $2,794,000. (L) Uranium enrichment, $19,000,000. (M) Environmental research and development, $19,025,000. (N) Program management and support, $4,955,000. CHANGES TO PRIOR YEAR AUTHORIZATIONS

(b)(1) There is authorized an additional sum of $100,000,000 for Appropriation the process equipment modifications, gaseous diffusion plants (project authorization.