Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/1297

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1243

PUBLIC LAW 95-457—OCT. 13, 1978 _:,




For the Army stock fund, $74,000,000. AIR FORCE STOCK FUND

For the Air Force stock fund, $26,800,000. TITLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 801. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available in this Act shall be obligated or expended for salaries or expenses during the current fiscal year in connection with the demilitarization of any arms as advertised by the Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency sale number 31-8118 issued January 24, 1978, and listed as "no longer needed by the Federal Government". SEC. 802. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall Publicity or be used for publicity or propaganda purposes not authorized by the propaganda. Congress. SEC. 803. During the current fiscal year, the Secretary of Defense Experts or and the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, respectively, if consultants. they should deem it advantageous to the national defense, and if in their opinions the existing facilities of the Department of Defense are inadequate, are authorized to procure services in accordance with section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, and to pay in connection therewith travel expenses of individuals, including actual transportation and per diem in lieu of subsistence while traveling from their homes or places of business to official duty stations and return as may be authorized by law: Provided, That such contracts may be renewed annually. SEC. 804. During the current fiscal year, provisions of law prohibit- Employment of ing the payment of compensation to, or employment of, any person noncitizens. not a citizen of the United States shall not apply to personnel of the 31 USC 700. Department of Defense. SEC. 805. Appropriations contained in this Act shall be available Appropriations for insiirance of official motor vehicles in foreign countries, when availability. required by laws of such countries; payments in advance of expenses determined by the investigating officer to be necessary and in accord with local custom for conducting investigations in foreign countries incident to matters relating to the activities of the department concerned; reimbursement to General Services Administration for security guard services for protection of confidential files; and all necessary expenses, at the seat of government of the United States of America or elsewhere, in connection with communication and other services and supplies as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act. SEC. 806. Any appropriation available to the Army, Navy, or Air 31 USC 649a. Force may, under such regulations as the Secretary concerned may prescribe, be used for expenses incident to the maintenance, pay, and allowances of prisoners of war, other persons in Army, Navy, or Air Force custody whose status is determined by the Secretary concerned

39-194 O—80—pt. 1

82: QL3