Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/1366

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1312


42 USC 7851.

National center for information acquisition, processing and dissemination. 42 USC 7852.

Center for cataloging scientific research. 42 USC 7853.

SEC. 300. The Secretary is authorized to conduct a research assessment and technology transfer program which transfers research and development results to other organizations and individuals for further development and practical application to water and water-related problems. The Secretary may enter into agreements with the State and local governments and with other public and private organizations and individuals, including cost-sharing or cost-participation agreements, for the transfer or application of research results for the solution of water-related problems and to further the transfer developed by programs authorized under this Act. The Secretary may issue publications and may conduct seminars, conferences, t r a i n i n g sessions, or use other such techniques he deems necessary to expedite the transfer of research results and technology development. The technology transfer activities will be coordinated with activities undertaken under titles I and II of this Act. SEC. 301. The Secretary is further authorized to maintain a national center for the acquisition, processing, and dissemination of information dealing with all areas of water resources research, technology development, and demonstration. Each Federal agency engaged in water resources including research, technology development, and demonstration, shall cooperate by providing the center with documents and other pertinent information. The center shall (a) maintain for general use a collection of water resources information provided by Federal and non-Federal government agencies, colleges, universities, private institutions, and individuals; (b) issue publications or utilize other media to disseminate research, technoloffy development, and demonstration information for the purposes of this Act and enter into agreements with public or private organizations or individuals to stimulate acquisition and dissemination of information, thus contributing to a comprehensive, nationwide program of research and development in water resources and the avoidance of unnecessary duplication of effort; (c) make generally available abstracts and other summary type information concerning water resources activities including research projects accomplished and in progress by all Federal agencies and by nonFederal agencies, private institutions, and individuals, to the extent such information can be obtained, and reports completed on research projects funded under provisions of this Act; and (d) in carrying out the information dissemination activities authorized by this section, the Secretary shall to the extent feasible use the resources and facilities of other agencies and of the clearinghouse for scientific, technical, and engineering information established in the Department of Commerce pursuant to sections 1151 through 1157 of title 15, United States Code. SEC. 302. There shall be established, in such agency and location as the President determines to be desirable, a center for cataloging current scientific research in all fields of water resources. E a c h Federal agency doing water resources research shall cooperate by providing the cataloging center with information on work underway. The cataloging center shall classify and maintain for general use a file of water resources research and investigation projects in progress or scheduled by all Federal agencies and by such non-Federal agencies of government, colleges, universities, private institutions, firms, and individuals as voluntarily may make such information available.