Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/202

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

9? STAT. 148

Export agreement cen^itions and H k y goals, firfftidential review. 4^, p. 142. P^idential export criteria proposals, fumnittal to Congress.

4iHe, p. 139.

PUBLIC LAW 95-242—MAR. 10, 1978 any rights which the United States may have under any agreement for cooperation in force on the date of enactment of this Act. (b) The President shall annually review each of requirements (1) through (9) set forth for inclusion in agreements for cooperation under section 123 a. of the 1954 Act and the export policy goals set forth in section 401 to determine whether it is in the interest of United States non-proliferation objectives for any such requirements or export policies which are not already being applied as export criteria to be enacted as additional export criteria. (c) If the President proposes enactment of any such requirements or export policies as additional export criteria or to take any other action with respect to such requirements or export policy goals for the purpose of encouraging adherence by nations and groups of nations to such requirements and policies, he shall submit such a proposal together with an explanation thereof to the Congress. (d) If the Conuiiittee on Foreign Relations of the Senate or the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives, after reviewing the President's annual report or any proposed legislation, determines that it is in the interest of United States nonproliferation objectives to take any action with r^espect to such requirements or export policy goals, it shall report a joint resolution to implement such determination. Any joint resolution so reported shall be considered in the Senate and the House of Representatives, respectively, under applicable procedures provided for the consideration of resolutions pursuant to subsection 130 b. through g. of the 1954 Act. AUTHORITY TO CONTINUE AGREEMENTS

Savings provision. 42 USC 2153cl.

SEC. 405. (a) The amendments to section 123 of the 1954 Act made by this Act shall not affect the authority to continue cooperation pursuant to agreements for cooperation entered into prior to the date of enactment of this Act. (b) Nothing in this Act shall affect the authority to include dispute settlement provisions, including arbitration, in any agreement made pursuant to an Agreement for Cooperation. REVIEW

42 USC 2160a.

SEC. 406. No court or regulatory body shall have any jurisdiction under any law to compel the performance of or to review the adequacy of the performance of any Nuclear Proliferation Assessment Statement called for in this Act or in the 1954 Act. PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT

4^ use 2153e.


SEC. 407. The President shall endeavor to provide in any agreement entered into pursuant to section 123 of the 1954 Act for cooperation between the parties in protecting the international environment from radioactive, chemical or thermal contamination arising from peaceful nuclear activities. V


Nuclear and nonnuclear energy, re. ource development.

22 USC 3261.

SEC. 501. The United States shall endeavor to cooperate with other nations, international institutions, and private organizations in estab-