Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/264

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 210

PUBLIC LAW 95-266—APR. 24, 1978 appropriate administrative expenses, as are necessary for carrying out such purposes. (b) I n connection with carrying out the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, the Secretary shall— (1) provide (directly or by g r a n t to or contract with public or private nonprofit agencies and organizations) for the establishment and operation of a national adoption and foster care data gathering and analysis system utilizing data collected by States pursuant to requirements of law; (2) conduct (directly or by g r a n t to or contract with public or private nonprofit agencies or organizations) an education and training program on adoption, and prepare, publish, and disseminate (directly or by grant to or contract with public or private nonprofit agencies and organizations) to all interested parties, public and private agencies and organizations (including, but not limited to, hospitals, health care and family planning clinics, and social services agencies), and governmental bodies, information and education and training materials regarding adoption and adoption assistance program s; (3) notwithstanding any other provision of law, provide (directly or by g r a n t to or contract with public or private nonprofit agencies or organizations) for (A) the operation of a national adoption information exchange system (including only such information as is necessary to facilitate the adoptive placement of children, utilizing computers and data processing methods to assist in the location of children who would benefit by adoption and in the placement in adoptive homes of children awaiting adoption); and (B) the coordination of such system with similar State and regional systems; (4) provide (directly or by grant to or contract with public or private nonprofit agencies or organizations, including parent groups) for the provision of technical assistance in the planning, improving, developing, and carrying out of programs and activities relating to adoption; and (5) consult with other appropriate Federal departments and agencies in order to promote maximum coordination of the services and benefits provided under programs carried out by such departments and agencies with those carried out by the Secretary, and provide for the coordination of such aspects of all programs within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare relating to adoption. STUDY OF UXLICENSED AnOPTIOX PLACEMENTS

Report to congressional committees. 42 USC 5114.

SEC. 204. The Secretary shall provide for a study (the results of which shall be reported to the appropriate committees of the Congress J^Q|- \^{QY than eighteen months after the date of enactment of this Act) designed to determine the nature, scope, and effects of the interstate (and, to the extent feasible, intrastate) placement of children in adoptive homes (not including the homes of stepparents or relatives of the child in question) by persons or agencies which are not licensed by or subject to regulation by any governmental entity.