Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/271

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-268—APR. 24, 1978

92 STAT. 217

such profiles are prepared, and of the extent to which the operations of the Corporation complement or are compatible with the development assistance programs of the United States and other donors; and "(2) a description of any project for which the Corporation— "(A) refused to provide any insurance, reinsurance, guaranty, financing, or other financial support, on account of violations of human rights referred to in section 239(1); or Ante, p. 216. "(B) notwithstanding such violations, provided such insurance, reinsurance, guaranty, financing, or financial support, on the basis of a determmation (i) that the project will directly benefit the needy people in the country in which the project is located, or (ii) that the national security interest so requires. "(b) Not later than September 30, 1980, the Corporation shall sub- Report to mit to the Congress a report on the development of private and multi- Congress, lateral programs for investment insurance and any reinsurance arrangements the Corporation has made with private insurance companies, multilateral organizations and institutions, or other entities.". Approved April 24, 1978.

LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 95-670 (Coram, on International Relations) and No. 95-1043 (Comm. of Conference). SENATE REPORT No. 95-505 (Comm. on Foreign Relations). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 123 (1977): Oct. 25, S. 1771 considered and passed Senate. Nov. 2, 3, considered in House. Vol. 124 (1978): Feb. 23, considered and passed House. Mar. 6, considered and passed Senate, amended, in lieu of S.,1771. Apr. 6, Senate agreed to conference report. Apr. 11, House agreed to conference report.