Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/292

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 238

PUBLIC LAW 95-278—MAY 12, 1978 21. Southwest quarter, section 4, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres; 22. West half southwest quarter, section 5, township 23 north, range 48 east, 80 acres; 23. Southwest quarter northwest quarter, section 5, township 23 north, range 48 east, 40 acres; 24. East half southeast quarter, section 7, township 23 north, range 48 east, 80 acres; 25. West half west half, section 8, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres; 26. East half east half, section 8, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres; 27. Southwest quarter, section 9, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres; 28. South half northwest quarter, section 9, township 23 north, range 48 east, 80 acres; 29. Northwest quarter northwest quarter, section 9, township 23 north, range 48 east, 40 acres; 30. West half, section 16, township 23 north, range 48 east, 320 acres; 31. East half east half, section 17, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres; 32. West half west half, section 17, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres; 33. East half, section 18, township 23 north, range 48 east, 320 acres; 34. Lots 3 and 4, east half, southwest quarter, section 19, township 23 north, range 48 east, 110.79 acres; 35. West half southeast quarter, section 19, township 23 north, range 48 east, 80 acres; 36. Northeast quarter, section 19, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres; 37. West half northwest quarter, section 20, township 23 north, range 48 east, 80 acres; 38. East half southwest quarter, section 20, township 23 north, range 48 east, 80 acres; 39. Southeast quarter, section 20, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres; 40. East half northeast quarter, section 20, township 23 north, range 48 east, 80 acres; 41. West half west half, section 21, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres; 42. Northeast quarter, section 29, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres; 43. West half southeast quarter, section 29, township 23 north, range 48 east, 80 acres; 44. West half, section 29, township 23 north, range 48 east, 320 acres; 45. Entire, section 30, township 23 north, range 48 east, 542.28 acres; 46. Entire, section 31, township 23 north, range 48 east, 543.44 acres; 47. Northwest quarter, section 32, township 23 north, range 48 east, 160 acres.