Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/366

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 312

Criteria and standards.

Annual report to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.


Report to G)ngress.

PUBLIC LAW 95-292—JUNE 13, 1978 extent consistent with effective administration, prevention of potential or actual financial or professional conflicts of interest with respect to decisions concerning the appropriateness, nature, or site of patient care. "(2) The network organizations of each network shall be responsible, in addition to such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by the Secretary, for— "(A) encouraging, consistent with sound medical practice, the use of those treatment settings most compatible with the successful rehabilitation of the patient; "(B) developing criteria and standards relating to the quality and appropriateness of patient care; and network goals with respect to the placement of patients in self-care settings and undergoing or preparing for transplantation; "(C) evaluating the procedure by which facilities and providere in the network assess the appropriateness of patients for proposed treatment modalities; "(D) identifying facilities and providers that are not cooperating toward meeting network goals and assisting such facilities and providers in developing appropriate plans for correction; and " (E) submitting an annual report to the Secretary on July 1 of each year which shall include a full statement of the network's goals, data on the network's perfoimance in meeting its goals (including data on the comparative performance of facilities and providers with respect to the identification and placement of suitable candidates in self-care settings and transplantation), identification of those facilities that have consistently failed to cooperate with network goals, and recommendations with respect to the need for additional or alternative services or facilities in the network in order to meet the network goals, including self-dialysis training, transplantation, and organ procurement facilities. "(3) Where the Secretary determines, on the basis of the data contained in the network's annual report and such other relevant data as may be available to him, that a facility or provider has consistently failed to cooperate with network plans and goals, he may terminate or withhold certification of such facility or provider (for purposes of payment for services furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease) until he determines that such provider or facility is making reasonable and appropriate efforts to cooperate with the network's plans and goals. "(4) The Secretary shall, in determining whether to certify additional facilities or expansion of existing facilities within a network, take into account the network's goals and performance as reflected in the network's annual report. "(5) The Secretary, after consultation with appropriate professional and planning organizations, shall provide such guidelines with respect to the planning and delivery of renal disease services as are necessary to assist network organizations in their development of their respective networks' goals to promote the optimum use of self-dialysis and transplantation by suitable candidates for such modalities. "(6) I t is the intent of the Congress that the maximum practical number of patients who are medically, socially, and psychologically suitable candidates for home dialysis or transplantation should be so treated. The Secretary shall consult with appropriate professional and network organizations and consider available evidence relating to developments in research, treatment methods, and technology for home dialysis and transplantation. The Secretary shall periodically submit to the Congress such legislative recommendations as the Secretary finds