Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/389

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-297—JUNE 19, 1978

92 STAT. 335

respect to the display on each such motor vehicle (or representation in connection with the sale of each such motor vehicle) of the octane requirement of such motor vehicle. (e) No person who distributes automotive gasoline in commerce may make any representation respecting the antiknock characteristics of such gasoline unless such representation fairly discloses the octane rating of such gasoline consistent with such gasoline's octane rating as certified to or determined by such person under the foregoing provisions of this section. (f) For purposes of this section, the octane rating of any automotive gasoline shall be considered to be certified, displayed, or represented by any person consistent with the rating certified to, or determined by, such person— (1) in the case of automotive gasoline which consists of a blend of two or more quantities of automotive gasoline of differing octane ratings, only if the rating certified, displayed, or represented by such person is the average of the octane ratings of such quantities, weighted by volume; or (2) in the case of gasoline which does not consist of such a blend, only if the octane rating such person certifies, displays, or represents is the same as the octane rating of such gasoline certified to, or determined by, such person. (g) The foregoing provisions of this section shall not apply— (1) to any representation (by display at the point of sale or by other means) of any characteristics of any automotive gasoline other than its octane rating; or (2) to the identification of automotive gasoline at the point of sale (or elsewhere) by the trademark, trade name, or other identifying symbol or mark used in connection with the sale of such gasoline. (h) Any display or representation, with respect to the octane requirement of any motor vehicle, required to be made under any rule prescribed under subsection (d) shall not create an express or implied warranty under State or Federal law that any automotive gasoline the octane rating of which equals or exceeds such octane requirement— (1) may be used as a fuel in all motor vehicles of the same class as that motor vehicle without knocking; or (2) may be used as a fuel in such motor vehicle under all operating conditions without knocking. ADMINISTRATION^ AND ENFORCEMENT

SEC. 203. (a) The Federal Trade Commission shall have procedural, Rules. investigative, and enforcement powers, including the power to issue Reports. procedural rules in enforcing compliance with the requirements of 15 USC 2823. this title and rules prescribed pursuant to the requirements of this title, to further define terms used in this title, and to require the filing of reports, the production of documents, and the appearance of witnesses, as though the applicable terms and conditions of the Federal Trade Commission Act were part of this title. 15 USC 58. (b)(1) The Environmental Protection Agency shall— Tests. (A) conduct field testing of the octane rating of automotive gasoline, comparing the tested octane rating of gasoline at retail outlets with the octane rating posted at those outlets; (B) certify the results of such tests and comparisons to the Federal Trade Commission; and