Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/426

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 372 '.t;

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Appropriation authorization.

PUBLIC LAW 95-313—JULY 1, 1978 processors, public agencies, and individuals, the Secretary is authorized to carry out a program of technology implementation. (1) In implementing this subsection, the Secretary is authorized to work through State foresters or equivalent State officials, and, if the State forester or equivalent State official is unable to deliver these services, the Secretary is authorized to act through appropriate United States Department of Agriculture agencies, subdivisions of States, agencies, institutions, organizations, or individuals to— (A) strengthen technical assistance and service programs of cooperators participating in programs under this Act by • • applying research results and conducting pilot projects and field tests of management and utilization practices, equip. ment, and technologies, related to programs and activities •. authorized under this Act; ^jg^ study the effects of tax laws, methods, and practices on forest management; (C) develop and maintain technical information systems . in support of programs and activities authorized under this Act; !• (D) test, evaluate, and seek registration of chemicals for f,,, use in implementing the programs and activities authorized under this Act; (E) conduct other activities, including training of State ,^. forestry personnel whom the Secretary deems necessary to ensure that the programs and activities authorized under this Act are responsive to special problems, unique situations, and O'? changing conditions. (2) The Secretary may make funds available to cooperators under this Act without regard to the provisions of section 3648 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 529), which prohibits advances of r public money. (3) The Secretary shall use forest resources planning committees at National and State levels in implementing this subsection. (d) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated annually such sums as may be needed to implement this section. CONSOLIDATED PAYMENTS

16 USC 2108.

SEC. 9. (a) To provide flexibility in funding activities authorized under this Act, the Secretary may, upon the request of any State, consolidate the annual financial assistance payments to that State under this Act, in lieu of functional cost sharing mechanisms, formulas, or agreements. However, consolidated payments shall not include money appropriated under section 4 of this Act or money from any special Treasury fund established under this Act. (b) Consolidation of payments made under this section shall be based upon State forest resources programs developed by State foresters or equivalent State officials, and reviewed by the Secretary. (c) Consolidated payments to any State during'any fiscal year shall not exceed the total amount of non-Federal funds expended within the State during that year to implement its State forest resources program. However, the Secretary may make payments that exceed the non-Federal amount expended for selected activities under the program, if the total Federal expenditure during any fiscal year does not exceed the total non-Federal expenditure during that year under the State forest resources program.