Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/432

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 378

Regulations. Publication in Federal Register.

15 USC 636.


PUBLIC LAW 95-315—JULY 4, 1978 "(3) No financial assistance shall be extended pursuant to this subsection unless the financial assistance applied for is not otherwise available on reasonable terms from non-Federal sources. "(4) No immediate participation may be purchased unless it is shown that a deferred participation is not available; and no loan may be made unless it is shown that a participation is not available. " (5) In agreements to participate in loans on a deferred basis under this subsection, the Administration's participation shall not be in excess of 90 per centum of the balance of the loan outstanding at the time of disbursement. "(6) The Administration's share of any loan made under this subsection shall bear interest at the same rate as loans made under subsection (a) of this section. The maximum terms of any such loan, including extensions and renewals, may not exceed fifteen years. "(7) AH loans made under this subsection shall be of such sound value as reasonably to assure repayment, recognizing that greater risk may be associated with loans made to business concerns in this field: Provided, That factors in determining 'sound value' shall include, but not be limited to, quality of the product or service; technical qualifications of the applicant or his employees; sales projections; and the financial status of the business concern: Provided further, That such status need not be as sound as that required for loans under subsection (a) of this section. "(8)(A) The Administration, after consultation with the Department of Energy and other Federal departments and agencies as the Administrator deems appropriate, shall publish in the Federal Register for public comment not later than sixty days after the date of enactment of this subsection proposed regulations to carry out the provisions of this subsection. The Administration shall make all reasonable efforts to solicit comments from small businesses and shall take into consideration comments submitted regarding such proposed regulations. " (B) The administration shall publish final regulations under this subsection not later than one hundred and eighty days after the date of enactment of this subsection. "(9) It is the intent of Congress that the paperwork burden and r e ^ l a to r y impact on applicant under this subsection shall be minimized, and that to the maximum extent practicable, the Administrator may rely upon consultation with the Department of Energy and other agencies, upon paid consultants, and upon voluntary public submissions of information to obtain market data, industry sales projections, energy savings, and other economic information needed to carry out the provisions of section 7(1)(1)(D) and ^E). Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as precluding the Administrator from using any of his lawful powers to obtain information from applicants.". SEC. 3. Section 7(d) of the Small Business Act is amended by inserting " (1) " after " (d) " and by adding at the end of such subsection the following paragraph: " (2) The Administration is authorized to hold seminars throughout the Nation to make potential applicants aware of the opportunities available under this subsection and related government energy programs, and to make grants to qualified organizations to provide training seminars for small business concerns regarding practical and easily implemented methods for design, manufacture, installation, and servicing of equipment and for providing services listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection, except that recipients of loans made pursuant to this subsection shall not subsequently be eligible for such grants.".