Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/636

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 582

PUBLIC LAW 95-356—SEPT. 8, 1978 was reduced by more than 25 p e r centum in order to permit contract a w a r d within the available authorization for such project. Such report shall include all pertinent cost information for each individual project, including the amount in dollars and percentage by which the current working estimate based on the contract price for the project exceeded the amount authorized for such project by the Congress. (g) COST AND FLOOR AREA VARIATIONS—SOLAR E N E R G Y. — The Secre-

t a r y of Defense shall encourage the utilization of solar energy as a source of energy for projects authorized by this Act where utilization of solar energy would be practical and economically feasible. I n order to equip any project authorized by this Act with solar heating equipment, solar cooling equipment, or both solar heating and solar cooling equipment, the Secretary of Defense may authorize increases in the cost limitations or floor area limitations for such project by such amounts as may be necessary for such purpose. Any increase under this section in the cost or floor area of a project authorized by this Act shall be in addition to any other increase in such cost or variation in floor area limitations authorized by this or any other Act. (h) COST VARIATIONS—MINOR CONSTRUCTION.— (1) The first sen-

Effective date.

10 USC 2674


Report to Congress.

10 USC 2301 et seq. Report to Congress.

tence of section 2674(b) of title 10, United States Code, relating to minor construction projects, is amended to read as follows: "This section does not authorize a project costing more than $500,000, except that the cost authorized for a project may be increased above $500,000 by not more than 10 percent of the original approved cost of such project if the Secretary of Defense determines— " (1) that such an increase is required for the sole purpose of meeting unusual variations in cost, and " (2) that such variations in cost could not have been reasonably anticipated at the time the project was originally approved.". (2) The amendment made by this subsection shall take effect on October 1, 1978. CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION

SEC. 604. Contracts for construction made by the United States for performance within the United States and its possessions under this Act shall be executed under the jurisdiction and supervision of the Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army; the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Department of the Navy; or such other department or Government agency as the Secretaries of the military departments recommend and the Secretary of Defense approves to assure the most efficient, expeditious, and cost-effective accomplishment of the construction herein authorized. The Secretaries of the military departments shall report annually to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives a breakdown of the dollar value of construction contracts completed by each of the several construction agencies selected together with the design, construction supervision, and overhead fees charged by each of the several agents in the execution of the assigned construction. F u r the r, such contracts (except architect and engineering contracts which, unless specifically authorized by the Congress shall continue to be awarded in accordance with presently established procedures, customs, and practice) shall be awarded, insofar as practicable, on a competitive basis to the lowest responsible bidder, if the national security will not be impaired and the a w a r d is consistent with chapter 137 of title 10, United States Code. The Secretaries of the military departments shall report annually to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives with respect to all contracts awarded on other than a