Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/1001

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978 and, not later than March 31 of each year, submit a report to the Congress and the President on the condition of bilingual education in the Nation and on the administration and operation of this title, including those items specified in section 731(c), and the administration and operation of other programs for persons of limited English proficiency. "(d) The Commissioner shall procure temporary and intermittent services of such personnel as are necessary for the conduct of the functions of the Council, in accordance with section 445, of the General Education Provisions Act, and shall make available to the Council such staff, information, and other assistance as it may require to carry out its activities effectively. "PART

92 STAT. 2281

Temporary and intermittent personnel. 20 USC 1233d.


"SEC. 741. (a) The provisions of this part shall be administered by 20 USC 3251. the Assistant Secretary, in consultation with— "(1) the Commissioner, through the Office of Bilingual Education; and "(2) the Director of the National Institute of Education, notwithstanding the second sentence of section 405(b)(1) of the General Education Provisions Act; 20 USC 122la. in accordance with regulations. "(b) The Assistant Secretary shall, in accordance with clauses (1) Regulations, and (2) of subsection (a), develop and promulgate the regulations for this part and then delegate his functions under this part, as may be appropriate under the terms of section 742. uBILINGUAL EDUCATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT

"SEC. 742. (a)(1) The Commissioner shall, through competitive contracts under this section, provide financial assistance for research and development proposals submitted by institutions of higher education, private and non-profit organizations. State educational agencies, and individuals. "(2) The National Institute of Education, after consultation with the Office of Bilingual Education, shall carry out a program of research in the field of bilingual education in order to enhance the effectiveness of bilingual education carried out under this title and other programs for persons who have language proficiencies other than English. "(3) The Ass'istant Secretary shall coordinate research activities of the National Institute of Education, with the Office of Bilingual Education, the National Center for Education Statistics, and other appropriate agencies, in order to develop a national research program for bilingual education. " (b) Eesearch activities authorized to be assisted under this section shall include— "(1) studies to determine and evaluate effective models for bilingual-bicultural programs; "(2) studies to determine (A) language acquisition characteristics and (B) the most effective method of teaching English within the context of a bilingual-bicultural program to students who have language proficiencies other than English;

Financial assistance. 20 USC 3252.

National research program, coordination.