Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/1051

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978

92 STAT. 2331

"(4) other options for changes in the terms of such definition and an evaluation of the consequences of such changes, together with supporting data; "(5) recommendations with respect to criteria for use by the Commissioner under the rulemaking authority contained in clause (4) of such subsection.". DATA COLLECTION

SEC. 1148. Section 453 of the Indian Education Act is amended by 20 USC 1221h. inserting after subsection (b), as added by section 1147: "(c) In establishing a child's eligibility for entitlement under part A of this Act, the Commissioner shall request at least the following information on the student eligibility form: "(1) the name of the tribe, band, or other organized group of Indians with which the applicant claims membership, along with the enrollment number establishing membership (where applicable), and the name and address of the organization which has updated and accurate membership data for such tribe, band, or other organized group of Indians; or, if the child is not a member of a tribe, band, or other organized group of Indians, the student eligibility form shall bear the name, the enrollment number (where applicable) and the organization (and address thereof) responsible for maintaining updated and accurate membership roles of any of the applicant's parents or grandparents, from whom the applicant claims eligibility; "(2) whether the tribe, band, or other organized group of Indians with which the applicant, his parents, or grandparents claim membership are federally recognized; "(3) the name and address of the parent or legal guardian; "(4) the signature of the parent or legal guardian verifying the accuracy of the information supplied; and "(5) any other information which the Secretary deems necessary to provide an accurate program profile.. PROGRAM MONITORING

SEC. 1149. (a) The Commissioner shall establish a method of auditing on an annual basis a sample of not less than one-third of the total number of school districts receiving funds under part A of the Indian Education Act, and shall report to the Congress his findings. (b) Any falsification of information provided on the local educational agency application for funds under part A of such Act is punishable by impoundment of unused funds and an ineligibility for receiving any future entitlement under such Act. (c) Any falsification of information provided on the student eligibility form for funds under part A of such Act is punishable by making that individual ineligible for receiving any future entitlement under the Act.

Annual audit, report to Congress. 20 USC 241aa note. Information falsification.


SEC. 1150. (a) Section 1005(c)(1)(E) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as redesignated by section 801 of this Act, is amended by inserting "and gifted and talented Indian 20 USC 3385. children" after "handicapped". Ante, p. 2284.