Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/1212

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2492


PUBLIC LAW 95-586—NOV. 3, 1978 (a) United States oil and gas leases numbered U-12871, LT-12872, U-12874, U-12875, U-12876, U-12877, U-12878, and U-12881 shall be held not to have terminated by operation of law or otherwise on December 1, 1975, but shall be deemed to be in full force and effect for the term of said leases provided that rentals for subsequent years are paid or tendered within the time required by law and the terms of such leases. (b) United States oil and gas lease numbered U-13666 shall be held not to have terminated by operation of law, or otherwise on April 1, 1976, and the term of said lease is hereby extended to a date twentyfour months after the effective date of this Act and so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying quantities, provided that rentals for subsequent years are paid or tendered within the time required by law and the terms of such lease. SEC. 502. Within thirty days after the effective date of this Act, the Secretary shall give notice to the last record holder of the oil and gas leases listed in the first section of this Act of the amount of unpaid rental then accrued under said leases or that would have accrued had the leases not terminated. Within thirty days after receipt of such written notice, the last record holder of such leases, their successors or assigns, shall tender payment of the amount of rental to the Secretary. If payment is not made within the required time, the provisions of this Act shall terminate and be of no force and effect with respect to those leases for which payment was not made. TITLE VI—FOR THE R E L I E F OF MARIAN LAW SHALE HOLLOWAY, ADELINE MARY GILL CHARLES, AND ELIZA SHALE CARSTENS SEC. 601. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to pay, out of any money appropriated to the Department of the Interior, to Marian Law Shale Holloway, Adeline Mary Gill Charles, and Eliza Shale Carstens (or to their estates) such sums as he determines each is legally and equitably entitled to as compensation for losses (including reasonable attorney fees) resulting from his erroneous approval of purported conveyances of parts or all of lot 6, section 35, township 24 north, range 13 west, Willamette meridian, containing eighteen and seventy-five hundredths acres, more or less, according to the Government survey thereof, such property being a portion of the allotment of Hattie Smith, deceased, Quinault allottee numbered 420, and which is not subject to homestead entry. Such property is situated in Jefferson County, State of Washington on the Quinault Indian Reservation. (b) The payment and acceptance of such compensation pursuant to this Act shall be in full satisfaction of all claims (1) of the said Marian Law Shale Holloway, Adeline Mary Gill Charles, and Eliza Shale Carstens, against the United States or any officer or employee thereof arising out of or in connection with the purported conveyances of such property or portions thereof approved by or on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior on February 19, 1951, September 3, 1953, and April 19, 1955, and (2) by Adeline Mary Gill Charles and Eliza Shale Carstens against Marian Law Shale Holloway arising out of or in connection with the purported conveyances of portions of such property approved by or on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior on September 3, 1953, and April 19, 1955.