Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/1265

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-596—NOV. 4, 1978

92 STAT. 2545

(b) the potential for interaction between the proposed museum and existing collections and programs of the Smithsonian; (c) the proportion of total space (based on the Secretary's experience with such Smithsonian Museums as Air and Space, Arts and Industries, and History and Technology) required for (i) inactive storage, (ii) the study of collections housed in the museum; (iii) staff offices; and (iv) public/exhibition use; (d) the value and approximate costs of providing facilities to accommodate (i) food service; (ii) a museum shop; (iii) a computer service or center; and (iv) an auditorium, together with recommendations for optimum size and desirable features of such facilities. SEC. 105. As used in this joint resolution, the term— Definitions. (a) "building arts" encompasses all practical and scholarly aspects of architecture; and landscape architecture; engineering; building and cohstruction; urban planning, design, physical development, and renewal; and historic preservation; (b) "museum" means the Museum of the Building Arts, as generally proposed by the Committee for a National Museum of the Building Arts, the primary purpose of which shall be (i) to create in the Nation's Capital a center to exhibit, demonstrate, and encourage contributions to the building arts and sciences, with an emphasis on American initiatives; (ii) to establish and operate a building arts documents archive, and a building arts reference library for citizens and public and private institutions; and (iii) to foster educational programs, to provide a forum for information exchange amon^ professionals in the building arts, and to enhance understanding and appreciation of all facets of the building arts and sciences; (c) "Administrator" means the Administrator of General Services; (d) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts; and (e) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. SEC. 106. The Administrator shall insure that any occupants of the Pension Building shall be temporary pending establishmeiit and occupancy of the building by the National Museum of the Building Arts; and that such occupants shall in no way conflict with, interfere with, or cause to delay efforts toward the restoration and renovation of the building to house the museum.