Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/471

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-504—OCT. 24, 1978 the Secretary. The Secretary, after consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, shall, by rule, promulgate guidelines to be used by him in determining the amount of each monthly assistance payment to be made to a member of each craft and class of protected employees, and what percentage of salary such payment shall constitute for each applicable class or craft of employees. In computing such amounts for any individual protected employee, the Secretary shall deduct from such amounts the full amount of any unemployment compensation received by the protected employee. (2) If an eligible protected employee is offered reasonably comparable employment and such employee does not accept such employment, then such employee's monthly assistance payment under this section shall be reduced to an amount which such employee would have beeen entitled to receive if such employee had accepted such employment. If the acceptance of such comparable employment would require relocation, such employee may elect not to relocate and, in lieu of all other benefits provided herein, to receive the monthly assistance payments to which he would be entitled if this paragraph were not in effect, except that the total number of such payments shall be the lesser of three or the number remaining pursuant to the maximum provided in subsection (e). (c) ASSISTANCE FOR RELOCATION.—If an eligible protected employee relocates in order to obtain other employment, such employee shall, subject to such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts, receive reasonable moving expenses (as determined by the Secretary) for himself and his immediate family. In addition, such employee shall, subject to such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts, receive reimbursement payments for any loss resulting from selling his principal place of residence at a price below its fair market value (as determined by the Secretary) or any loss incurred in cancelling such employee's lease agreement or contract of purchase relating to his principal place of residence. (d) DUTY To HIRE PROTECTED EMPLOYEES.— (1) Each person who is a protected employee of an air carrier which is subject to regulation by the Civil Aeronautics Board who is furloughed or otherwise terminated by such an air carrier (other than for cause) prior to the last day of the 10-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this section shall have first right of hire, regardless of age, in his occupational specialty, by any other air carrier hiring additional employees which held a certificate issued under section 401 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 prior to such date of enactment. Each such air carrier hiring additional employees shall have a duty to hire such a person before they hire any other person, except that such air carrier may recall any of its own furloughed employees before hiring such a person. Any employee who is furloughed or otherwise terminated (other than for cause), and who is hired by another air carrier under the provisions of this subsection, shall retain his rights of seniority and right of recall with the air carrier that furloughed or terminated him. (2) The Secretary shall establish, ma;intain, ttnd periodically publish a comprehensive list of jobs available with air carriers certificated under section 401 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. Such list shall include that information and detail, such as job descriptions and required skills, the Secretary deems relevant and necessary. In addition to publishing the list, the Secretary shall make every effort to

92 STAT. 1751 Guideline rules, consultation.


49 USC 1371.

Job list, establishment and publication.