Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/592

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1872

PUBLIC LAW 95-521—OCT. 26, 1978

has been made to the division of the court, why such application was not made. Such written notification shall be provided to the committee • ih: on which the persons making the request serve, and shall not be revealed to any third party, except that the committee may, either on its own initiative or upon the request of the Attorney General, make public such portion or portions of such notification as will not in the committee's judgment prejudice the rights of any individual. 28 USC 596. "§596. Removal of a special prosecutor; termination of office " "(a)(1) A special prosecutor appointed under this chapter may be removed from office, other than by impeachment and conviction, only by the personal action of the Attorney General and only for extraordinary impropriety, physical disability, mental incapacity, or any other condition that substantially impairs the performance of such special prosecutor's duties. Report, submittal "(2) If a special prosecutor is removed from office, the Attorney to congressional General shall promptly submit to the division of the court and the committees. Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report specifying the facts found and the ultimate grounds for such removal. The committees shall make available to the public such report, except that each committee may, if necessary to protect the rights of any individual named in the report or to prevent undue interference with any pending prosecution, delete or postpone publishing any or all of the report. The division of the court may release any or all of such report in the same manner as a report released under section 595(b)(3) of this title and under the same limitations as apply to the release of a report under that section. Judicial review. "(3) A special prosecutor so removed may obtain judicial review of the removal in a civil action commenced before the division of the court and, if such removal was based on error of law or fact, may obtain reinstatement or other appropriate relief. The division of the court shall cause such an action to be in every way expedited. Notification. "(b)(1) An office of special prosecutor shall terminate when (A) the special prosecutor notifies the Attorney General that the investigation of all matters within the prosecutorial jurisdiction of such special prosecutor or accepted by such special prosecutor under section 594 (e) of this title, and any resulting prosecutions, have been completed or so substantially completed that it would be appropriate for the Department of Justice to complete such investigations and prosecutions and (B) the special prosecutor files a report in full compliance with section 595(b) of this title. ..\, ^ "(2) The division of the court, either on its own motion or upon ..; suggestion of the Attorney General, may terminate an office of special prosecutor at any time, on the ground that the investigation of all matters within the prosecutorial jurisdiction of the special prosecutor or accepted by such special prosecutor under section 594(e) of this title, and any resulting prosecutions, have been completed or so substantially completed that it would be appropriate for the Department of Justice to complete such investigations and prosecutions. At the time of termination, the special prosecutor shall file the report required by section 595(b) of this title. 28 USC 597. «§ 597. Relationship with Department of Justice "(a) Whenever a matter is in the prosecutorial jurisdiction of a special prosecutor or has been accepted by a special prosecutor under section 594(e) of this title, the Department of Justice, the Attorney