Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/1004

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 3636

Real property, title transfers.

Appropriation authorization.

40 USC 885.

PUBLIC LAW 95-629—NOV. 10, 1978 alley so closed is in the United States, the Mayor of the District of Columbia shall convey the title to the land on behalf of the United States to the Corporation, without cost, except that the Corporation shall reimburse the District of Columbia for the administrative expenses of the action. If the title to the street, road, highway, or alley so closed is not in the United States, the Mayor shall convey title to the land on behalf of the District of Columbia to the Corporation, without cost, except that the Corporation shall reimburse the District of Columbia for the administrative costs of the action: Provided, That if the land would have reverted to a private abutting property owner under otherwise applicable law of the District of Columbia, the Corporation shall pay such owner the fair market value of the land that would have reverted to him. "(20) may transfer title to, interests in, or jurisdiction over real property which has been acquired by the Corporation and is to be devoted to public uses under the development plan, to any agency of the United States or the District of Columbia. Agencies of the United States or the District of Columbia may accept such transfers under this paragraph, and shall thereafter administer and maintain the property in accordance with the development plan and the terms of any transfer agreement. The Director of the National Park Service may transfer title to or interest in public reservations, roadways, spaces, or parks under his jurisdiction within the development area to the Corporation to facilitate implementation of the development plan; and, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Corporation may utilize such transferred property for any public or private development consistent with the plan.". (4) By striking in subsection 17(a) all after the word "Corporation" and inserting in lieu thereof "$3,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979; $3,200,000 for the fiscal years ending September 30, 1980, and September 30, 1981; and $3,500,000 for the fiscal years ending September 30, 1982, and September 30, 1983."; and, by adding to subsection 17(b) after the amount "$38,800,000," the following: "for fiscal year 1979, $15,000,000, for fiscal year 1980, $35,000,000 for fiscal year 1981, $25,000,000 for fiscal year 1982, $30,000,000, and, for fiscal 1983, $35,000,000."; and by striking the following, "to remain available without fiscal year limitation through September 30, 1990:" and, by inserting in lieu thereof: "For the authorizations made in this subsection, any amounts authorized but not appropriated in any fiscal year shall remain available for appropriation in succeeding years. Any amounts appropriated under this subsection shall remain available without fiscal year limitation.". TITLE II

San Antonio Missions National Historical Park. Establishment. 16 USC 410ee.

SEC. 201. (a) In order to provide for the preservation, restoration, and interpretation of the Spanish Missions of San Antonio, Texas, for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations of Americans, there is hereby established the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park (hereafter in this section referred to as the "park") consisting of Concepcion, San Jose, San Juan, and Espada Missions, together with areas and features historically associated therewith, as generally depicted on the drawing entitled "Boundary Map, San Antonio Missions National Historical Park", numbered 9S0-80,022-C and dated May 1978, which shall be on file