Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/1032

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 3664




5 Ante, p. 3644.


Civil penalty.

12 USC 371c, ante, p. 3644. Notice. "Violates."

f'-i' Hearing opportunity.

PUBLIC LAW 95-630—NOV. 10, 1978 within ten days from the date of such order, and simultaneously sending a copy of such notice by registered or certified mail to the Administrator. The Administrator shall promptly certify and file in such court the record upon which the penalty was imposed, as provided in section 2112 of title 28, United States Code. The findings of the Administrator shall be set aside if found to be unsupported by substantial evidence as provided by section 706(2)(E) of title 5, United States Code. " (E) If any insured credit union or person fails to pay an assessment after it has become a final and unappealable order, or after the court of appeals has entered final judgment in favor of the Administrator, the Administrator shall refer the matter to the Attorney General, who shall recover the amount assessed by action in the appropriate United States district court. In such action, the validity and appropriateness of the final order imposing the penalty shall not be subject to review. " (F) The Administrator shall promulgate regulations establishing procedures necessary to implement this paragraph. "(G) All penalties collected under authority of this paragraph shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States.". SEC. 108. Section 18(j) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1828 (j)), is amended by redesignating section 18(j) as "18(j)(1)" and by adding at the end thereof the following: "(2) The provisions of section 22(h) of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, relating to limits on loans and extensions of credit by a member bank to its executive officers or directors or to any person who directly or indirectly owns, controls, or has the power to vote more than 10 per centum of any class of voting securities of such member bank, except in the case of such a bank located in a city, town, or village with less than thirty thousand in population, in which case such per centiim shall be 18 per centum, or to companies controlled by such an executive officer, director, or person, or to political or campaign committees the funds or services of which will benefit such an officer, director, or person or which are controlled by such an officer, director, or person and relating to board of directors' approval of and terms of such loan, shall be applicable to every nonmember insured bank in the same manner and to the same extent as if such nonmember insured bank were a State member bank. " (3)(A) Any nonmember insured bank which violates or any officer, director, employee, agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of such nonmember insured bank who violates any provision of section 23A or 22 (h) of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, or any lawful regulation issued pursuant thereto, shall forfeit and pay a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 per day for each day during which such violation continues. The penalty shall be assessed and collected by the Corporation by written notice. As used in this section, the term 'violates' includes without any limitation any action (alone or with another or others) for or toward causing, bringing about, participating in, counseling, or aiding or abetting a violation. "(B) In determining the amount of the penalty the Corporation shall take into account the appropriateness of the penalty with respect to the size of financial resources and good faith of the member bank or person charged, the gravity of the violation, the history of previous violations, and such other matters as justice may require. "(C) The nonmember insured bank or person charged shall be afforded an opportunity for agency hearing, upon request made within ten days after issuance of the notice of assessment. In such hearing