Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/1108

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 3740

PUBLIC LAW 95-630—NOV. 10, 1978

and Loan Insurance Corporation), in the case of any institution subject to any of those provisions; 12 USC 1751. "(3) the Federal Credit Union Act, by the Administrator of the National Credit Union Administration with respect to any Federal credit union. 49 USC 1301 "(4) the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, by the Civil Aero°°*®nautics Board, with respect to any air carrier or foreign air carrier subject to that Act; and 15 USC 78a. "(5) the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, by the Securities and Exchange Commission, with respect to any broker or dealer subject to that Act. "(b) For the purpose of the exercise by any agency referred to in subsection (a) of its powers under any Act referred to in that subsection, a violation of any requirement imposed under this title shall be deemed to be a violation of a requirement imposed under that Act. In addition to its powers under any provision of law specifically referred to in subsection (a), each of the agencies referred to in that subsection may exercise, for the purpose of enforcing compliance with any requirement imposed under this title, any other authority conferred on it by law. "(c) Except to the extent that enforcement of the requirements imposed under this title is specifically committed to some other Government agency under subsection (a), the Federal Trade Commission shall enforce such requirements. For the purpose of the exercise by the Federal Trade Commission of its functions and powers under the Federal Trade Commission Act, a violation of any requirement imposed under this title shall be deemed a violation of a requirement imposed under that Act. All of the functions and powers of the Federal Trade Commission under the Federal Trade Commission Act are available to the Commission to enforce compliance by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission with the requirements imposed under this title, irrespective of whether that person is engaged in commerce or meets any other jurisdictional tests in the 15 USC 41 e« 56^. Federal Trade Commission Act. 15 USC I693p. «§ 918. Reports to Congress "(a) Not later than twelve months after the effective date of this title and at one-year intervals thereafter, the Board and the Attorney General shall, respectively, make reports to the Congress concerning the administration of their functions under this title, including such recommendations as the Board and the Attorney General, respectively, deem necessary or appropriate. In addition, each report of the Board shall include its assessment of the extent to which compliance with this title is being achieved, and a summary of the enforcement actions taken under section 917 of this title. In such report, the Board shall particularly address the effects of this title on the costs and benefits to financial institutions and consumers, on competition, on the introduction of new technology, on the operations of financial institutions, and on the adequacy of consumer protection. The report of the Attorney General shall also contain an analysis of the impact of this title on the operation, workload, and efficiency of the Federal courts. "(b) In the exercise of its functions under this title, the Board may obtain upon request the views of any other Federal agency which, in the judgment of the Board, exercises regulatory or supervisory functions with respect to any class of persons subject to this title.