Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/1155

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978


92 STAT. 3787

continue before the Panel under such rules and procedures as the Panel shall prescribe. PART IV. General Provisions

SECTION 401. Incidental Transfer. So much of the personnel, property, records, and unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations and other funds employed, used, held, available, or to be made available in connection with the functions transferred under this Plan, as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall determine, shall be transferred to the appropriate agency, or component at such time or times as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall provide, except that no such unexpended balances transferred shall be used for purposes other than those for which the appropriation was originally made. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall provide for terminating the affairs of any agencies abolished herein and for such further measures and dispositions as such Director deems necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Reorganization Plan. SECTION 402. Interim Officers. (a) The President may authorize any persons who, immediately prior to the effective date of this Plan, held positions in the Executive Branch of the Government, to act as Director of the Office of Personnel Management, the Deputy Director of the Office of Personnel Management, the Special Counsel, the Chairman and other members of the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the Chairman and other members of the Federal Service Impasses Panel, or the General Counsel of the Authority, until those offices are for the first time filled pursuant to the provisions of this Reorganization Plan or by recess appointment, as the case may be. (b) The President may authorize any such person to receive the compensation attached to the Office in respect of which that person so serves, in lieu of other compensation from the United States. SECTION 403. Effective Date. The provisions of this Reorganization Plan shall become effective at such time or times, on or before January 1, 1979, as the President shall specify, but not sooner than the earliest time allowable under Section 906 of Title 5, United States Code.


14, No. 21: May 23, Presidential message transmitting Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1978 to Congress. (Also printed as House Document No. 95-341.) Vol. 14, No. 28: July 11, Presidential message transmitting an amendment to Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1978 to Congress. (Also printed as House Document No. 95-369.) HOUSE REPORT No. 95-1396 accompanying H. Res. 1201 (Comm. on Government Operations). SENATE REPORT No. 95-1049 accompanying S. Res. 464 (Comm. on Governmental Affairs). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 124 (1978): May 23, 24, H. Res. 1200and H. Res. 1201, resolutions of disapproval, introduced in House and referred to Committee on Government Operations. S. Res. 462 and S. Res. 464, resolutions of disapproval, introduced in Senate and referred to Committee on Governmental Affairs. Aug. 9, H. Res. 1201 rejected by House. Aug. 14, S. Res. 464 incjeflnitely postponed.

The requirements under 5 USC ^06 were met on Aug. 12, 1978.