Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/863

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-625—NOV. 10, 1978 (B) details the sources of revenue for covering such costs, including, but not limited to, grants, donations and loans from local. State, and Federal departments and agencies, and from the private sector. (7) A program to provide for the maximum feasible local government and public participation in the management of the Pinelands National Reserve. (8) A program for State and local governmental implementation of the comprehensive management plan in a manner that will insure the continued, uniform, consistent protection of this area in accord with the purposes of this section. (9) In conjunction with existing State programs and planning processes, a plan to implement the provisions of the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act which pertain to the surface and ground waters of the Pinelands National Reserve. (g)(1) The State of New Jersey, through the planning entity, shall adopt and submit to the Secretary a comprehensive management plan within eighteen months after the date that funds are first provided for its preparation under subsection (d). In the event the State fails to submit the plan within such time period, the Secretary may obtain reimbursement or otfset from the State of all Federal funds previously granted under this section. The Secretary shall, within ninety days after the date the plan is submitted to him, either approve or disapprove the plan. Should the Secretary fail to act on the proposed plan within ninety days, the plan shall be regarded as approved. Upon approval, the Secretary shall submit the plan to the Congress for a period of ninety days prior to implementation. (2) In determining whether or not to approve the management plan, the Secretary shall consider whether: (A) the planning entity has afforded adequate opportunity, including public hearings, for public and governmental involvement in the preparation and review of the plan, and whether such review and comment thereon were considered in the plan or revision as presented to him; (B) he has received adequate assurances from appropriate State officials that the recommended implementation program identified in the plan will be initiated within a reasonable time after the date of approval of the plan and such program will insure effective implementation of the State and local aspects of the plan; (C) provision is made for the participation of a Federal representative in the implementation program; (D) the plan requires the exercise of police power responsibilities to the greatest extent practicable to regulate the use of land and water resources in a manner consistent with the purposes of this section; (E) the plan, if implemented, would adequately protect the significant natural, ecological, agricultural, scenic, cultural and recreational resources of the Pinelands National Reserve and, consistent with such protection, provide adequate and appropriate outdoor recreational opportunities and economic activities within the area; (F) the plan provides for the Governor of the State of New Jersey to exercise effective and continuing oversight over its implementation; and

92 STAT. 3495


Implementation plan. 33 USC 1251 note. 42 USC 201 note. eomprehensive management plan approval and submittal to Congress.

Approval considerations.