Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/881

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-625—NOV. 10, 1978 "(7) The Iditarod National Historic Trail, a route of approximately two thousand miles extending from Seward, Alaska, to Nome, Alaska, following the routes as depicted on maps identified as 'SewardNome Trail', in the Department of the Interior's study report entitled 'The Iditarod Trail (Seward-Nome Route) and other Alaskan Gold Rush Trails' dated September 1977. The map shall be on file and available for public inspection in the office of the Director, National Park Service, Washington, D.C. The trail shall be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.". (10) In section 5(b) after "national scenic" wherever it appears insert "or national historic"; in the first sentence after the phrase "Secretary of the Interior," insert "through the agency most likely to administer such trail,"; delete the third sentence; and delete that portion of the fourth sentence which precedes the numerical listing, and insert in lieu the following: "The studies listed in subsection (c) of this section shall be completed and submitted to the Congress, with recommendations as to the suitability of trail designation, not later than three complete fiscal years from the date of enactment of their addition to this subsection, or from the date of enactment of this sentence, whichever is later. Such studies, when submitted, shall be printed as a House or Senate document, and shall include, but not be limited to:". (11) In section 5(b)(3) after the semicolon add "and in the case of national historic trails the report shall include the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior's National Park System Advisory Board as to the national historic significance based on the criteria developed under the Historic Sites Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 666: U.S.C. 461);". (12) In section 5(b)(8) delete the word "and" at the end of the sentence; in section 5(b)(9) change the period at the end of the sentence to a semicolon; and at the end of section 5(b) add the following new paragraphs: "(10) the anticipated impact of public outdoor recreation use on the preservation of a proposed national historic trail and its related historic and archeological features and settings, including the measures proposed to ensure evaluation and preservation of the values that contribute to their national historic significance; and "(11) to qualify for designation as a national historic trail, a trail must meet all three of the following criteria: "(A) It must be a trail or route established by historic use and must be historically significant as a result of that use. The route need not currently exist as a discernible trail to qualify, but its location must be sufficiently known to permit evaluation of public recreation and historical interest potential. A designated trail should generally accurately follow the historic route, but may deviate somewhat on occasion of necessity to avoid difficult routing through subsequent development, or to provide some route variation offering a more pleasurable recreational experience. Such deviations shall be so noted on site. Trail segments no longer possible to travel by trail due to subsequent development as motorized transportation routes may be designated and marked onsite as segments which link to the historic trail. "(B) It must be of national significance with respect to any of several broad facets of American history, such as

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92 STAT. 3513 Iditarod National Historic Trail.

16 USC 1244.

Studies, submittal to Congress.

Recommendations, inclusion.

Additional trails proposals and report, provisions.