Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/908

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 3540 KOI^

Assistance, eligibility.

16 USC 2504.

Publication in Federal Register.

Priority criteria for project selection and approval.

PUBLIC LAW 95-625—NOV. 10, 1978 •' ^ (g) "special purpose local government" means any local or regional special district, public-purpose corporation or other limited political subdivision of a State, including but not limited to park authorities; park, conservation, water or sanitary districts; and school districts; (h) "private, nonprofit agency'- means a community-based, nonprofit organization, corporation, or association organized for purposes of providing recreational, conservation, and educational services directly to urban residents on either a neighborhood or communitywide basis through voluntary donations, voluntary labor, or public or private grants; (i) "State" means any State of the United States or any instrumentality of a State approved by the Governor; the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and insular areas; and (j) "insular areas" means Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands. SEC. 1005. (a) Eligibility of general purpose local governments for assistance under this title shall be based upon need as determined by the Secretary. Within one hundred and twenty days after the effective date of this title, the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register, a list of the local governments eligible to participate in this program, to be accompanied by a discussion of criteria used in determining eligibility. "Such criteria shall be based upon factors which the Secretary determines are related to deteriorated recreational facilities or systems, and physical and economic distress." (b) Notwithstanding the list of eligible local governments established in accordance with subsection (a), the Secretary is also authorized to establish eligibility, at his discretion and in accord with the findings and purpose of this title, to other general purpose local governments in standard metropolitan statistical areas as defined by the census: Provided, That grants to these discretionary applicants do not exceed in the aggregate 15 per centum of funds appropriated under this title for rehabilitation, innovation, and recovery action l^rogram grants. (c) The Secretary shall also establish priority criteria for project selection and approval which consider such factors as— (1) population; (2) condition of existing recreation areas and facilities; (3) demonstrated deficiencies in access to neighborhood recreation opportunities, particularly for minority, and low- and moderate-income residents; (4) public participation in determining rehabilitation or development needs; (5) the extent to which a project supports or complements target activities undertaken as part of a local government's overall community development and urban revitalization program; (6) the extent to which a proposed project would provide employment opportunities for minorities, youth, and low- and moderate-income residents in the project neighborhood and/or -' would provide for participation of neighborhood, nonprofit or tenant organizations in the proposed rehabilitation activity or in subsequent maintenance, staffing, or supervision of recreation areas . and facilities; and ' ' (7) the amount of State and private support for a project as evidenced by commitments of non-Federal resources to project construction or operation.