Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1205

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

PUBLIC LAW 96-157—DEC. 27, 1979

93 STAT. 1173

"(A) to identify alternative programs for achieving system goals, including programs authorized by section 103 of this title; "(B) to provide more accurate information on the causes and correlates of crime; "(C) to analyze the correlates of crime and juvenile delinquency and provide more accurate information on the causes and correlates of crime and juvenile delinquency; "(D) to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system; "(E) to develop new methods for the prevention and reduction of crime, the prevention and reduction of parental kidnaping, including the development of programs to facilitate cooperation among the States and units of local government, the detection and apprehension of criminals, the expeditious, efQcient, and fair disposition of criminal and juvenile delinquency cases, the improvement of police and minority relations, the conduct of research into the problems of victims and witnesses of crime, the feasibility and consequences of allowing victims to participate in criminal justice decisionmaking, the feasibility and desirability of adopting procedures and programs which increase the victim's participation in the criminal justice process, the reduction in the need to seek court resolution of civil disputes, and the development of adequate corrections facilities and effective programs of correction; and "(F) to develop programs and projects to improve and expand the capacity of States and units of local government and combinations of such units, to detect, investigate, prosecute, and otherwise combat and prevent white-collar crime and public corruption, to improve and expand cooperation among the Federal Government, States, and units of local government in order to enhance the overall criminal justice system response to white-collar crime and public corruption, and to foster the creation and implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to prevent and combat whitecollar crime and public corruption. In carrying out the provisions of this subsection, the Institute may request the gissistance of both public and private research agencies; "(3) evaluate the effectiveness of projects or programs carried out under this part; "(4) evaluate, where the Institute deems appropriate, the programs and projects carried out under other parts of this title to determine their impact upon the quality of criminal and civil justice systems and the extent to which they have met or failed to meet the purposes and policies of this title, and disseminate such information to State agencies and, upon request, to units of local government and other public and private organizations and individuals; "(5) make recommendations for action which can be taken by Federal, State, and local governments and by private persons and organizations to improve and strengthen criminal and civil justice systems; "(6) provide research fellowships and clinical internships and carry out programs of training and special workshops for the presentation and dissemination of information resulting from research, demonstrations, and special projects including those authorized by this part;

Public and private research agencies, assistance.