Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/165

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

PUBLIC LAW 96-38—JULY 25, 1979

93 STAT. 133


"Operating expenses", $15,000,000, to remain available until expended; POWER MARKETING ADMINISTRATIONS

"Operations and Construction", to remain available until expended, $209,000, of which $41,000 is for "Southeastern Power Administration" and $168,000 is for "Southwestern Power Administration"; "Fossil energyresearch and development", $1,301,000; "Energy production, demonstration, and distribution", $234,000; "Energy conservation", $354,000; "Strategic petroleum reserve", $217,000; "Energy information administration", $1,258,000; DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION

"Salaries and expenses", $6,800,000; HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION

"Indian health services", $8,364,000; CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL

"Preventive health services", $2,673,000; NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

"Office of the Director", $784,000 to be derived by transfer, $392,000 from "National Cancer Institute" and $392,000 from "National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute"; ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HEALTH

"Salaries and expenses", $1,138,000; SAINT EUZABETHS HOSPITAL (TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

For an additional amount for "Saint Elizabeths Hospital", $3,428,000 to be derived by transfer from "Alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health"; HEALTH CARE FINANCING ADMINISTRATION

"Quality care management, research and administration", $2,600,000; and $3,800,000 to be derived by transfer from the "Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund" and the "Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund" as authorized by section 201(g)(1) of the Social Security Act; 42 USC 40i.